50th Anniversary Book

At Byrne, we ask that you commit just one Latin phrase to memory and action: “Certavi Et Vici.” Translated, it means “I struggle, I succeed.” and it’s an apt way to describe the way we approach our work and deal with expectations. Founder Norm Byrne actually practiced this axiom back in the late 1950s when, as a member of the Lowell High School track & field relay team, he dropped the baton during an exchange. And still won the race. And set a record in the process. Today, the desire to fight the good fight and finish the race fuels our company and its employees much the same way as Certavi Et Vici reflects the character of the gritty Irish stock from which Norm himself is descended. “Sometimes,” says Norm’s son and CEO Dan Byrne, “we’ll encourage people to consider taking the longer, harder road. Why? Because you can often learn more that way. It defines who we are: Resilient. Inventive. Tenacious.” Adds Vice President of Operations, John Willcox: “We’re survivors at Byrne. And we build from that assertion by drawing to another mantra that’s popular among us: ‘Honor tradition; pioneer change.’”

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