50th Anniversary Book

Human Design


Human-centered design (HCD) is an approach to solving problems that develops solutions by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process—observing the problem within context, brainstorming, conceptualizing, developing, and implementing the solution. At Byrne, we’ve always been about focusing our efforts on real people and their real work and life problems. In these unmet needs lie breakthrough insights— with innovative, synergistic solutions as our collective goal. In an effort to take our user-centered design smarts to the next level, our teams have even participated in a number of training sessions here at Byrne led by Chuck Saylor, a leading expert in the field. For us, HCD thinking is all about what could be. Because when you’re not limited to a particular solution, the possibilities are endless. “And being involved early in any project is key,” says Kristen Hummel, Byrne Marketing Manager. “Entering the creative process at a point where we can be proactive, not simply reactive—that’s where we make the biggest human-driven difference for our customers.”

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