50th Anniversary Book

At Byrne, we believe that to create an innovative culture, you have to be willing to try things. And fail. In fact, when it’s used as an opportunity to move forward, we celebrate failure. It’s a philosophy we at Byrne like to call “Show-me-don’t-tell-me.” Artists do it. Musicians do it. And Byrne does it by putting ourselves out there, not afraid to reveal the skin and bones that really comprise an idea. What we’ve discovered at Byrne—and it’s taken us the better part of 50 years to massage this into daily practice—is that people will quickly respond with valuable feedback when you’re willing to do more than just talk about something. That doesn’t mean we’re not mindful and deliberate about creating new ventures. And yes, everything out there begins with an idea, but too often other’s ideas just end up floating into space. Even the good ones. Talk. Talk. Talk. Around here, we’re more agile than that. Agreeably adaptative. Open to the pivot. So whenever possible, let’s dial down the talk. Let’s see it, smell it, taste it, feel it. Byrne. Show & Tell. Without all the Tell.

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