50th Anniversary Book


Buchanich, Byrne’s Vice President of Human Resources. “We know it’s a lengthy commitment and this is just our way of congratulating them on such an important accomplishment.” People like Dal Pau, a member of our Byrne Special Forces team. Originally from Myanmar, Dai came to the United States after fleeing his country and living as a refugee in Malaysia. After his arrival, he soon found a place with us, and in the years that followed, he worked hard to learn English and U.S. history with the hopes of becoming an American. “As long as I can remember,” says Dan Byrne, Byrne’s CEO, “our company has celebrated the struggle and unique journey of our employees. Each story is personal—and it’s in our DNA to recognize the struggle and success of each step along the way.”

At Byrne, we honor diversity, intentionally seeking out people from different backgrounds, perspectives and ideas into our workforce. Whether immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers – each of these individuals has their own story, but for many, their dream is the same: to become a U.S. citizen. And over the years, several have done just that. So, in the 1980s, we began celebrating this important milestone more formally, with the recognition we felt it deserved. For these exceptional individuals, Byrne offers to provide reimbursement on citizenship test application fees, a paid day off to attend the citizenship ceremony, and even an in-house celebration that includes the gift of their own U.S. flag. “Knowing that our own Byrne family originally immigrated to the United States and the challenges they faced, we really wanted to honor these team members of our Byrne family of employees who have taken the initiative to become citizens, says Sandy

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