50th Anniversary Book

Norman Byrne was born on New Year’s Eve, 1940. He was the only boy in the family with 7 sisters and grew up on what was considered a small 150-acre family farm in Ada, Michigan. Norm’s father, Raymond, was a talented jack of all trades, passing on his mechanical skills to his son. Sadly, Raymond died when Norm was still in high school, leaving Norm the sole supporter of his mother and younger sisters living at home. Despite this great hardship, he pressed ahead through those final years of school while working too. After his high school graduation, Norm continued to work several part time positions, which led him to his first “real job” at Lear Siegler where they manufactured instruments for the government. It was there that he began to build specialized skills in a manufacturing setting – and became inspired about where his own future might be headed.

Life-changing struggles on their family farm. Norm’s early exposure to innovative manufacturing practices. These are the influences that build the character of a man – and a company – and can still be found in Byrne’s guiding principles of honoring tradition and pioneering change. bae ghiunmn ibnlge

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