50th Anniversary Book

Then, in 2020, things changed. While the program did offer a few virtual internships, in-person participation was forced to hit pause due to pandemic restrictions and many at Byrne found themselves deeply missing the arrival of the new interns. “These kids come from diverse backgrounds and varied life experiences. They’re volunteers, they’re leaders on their college campuses, but they all share a real willingness to learn,” says Shannon Kelly, a Human Resource hiring expert currently managing the Byrne internship program. “There’s a lot of talent out there. These young people generate great ideas, year after year, and help even our veteran employees look at problems in new ways.” Out of the nearly 80 interns that have spent either a summer or winter session at Byrne, several have been offered professional positions with 15 permanently joining the Byrne team. Brent Showers, a Byrne intern in 2019, was brought on as a full-time employee following his graduation from Davenport and now works as a Business Systems Analyst. “The biggest thing that my internship gave me was an understanding of the work environment. Being a family-owned company, it felt like a really different experience. During my internship, I could see myself spending every day here and coming to work to enjoy some great relationship – and a lot of fun.”

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