Research Report on COVID-19 (Sick patients in the Ozarks) (Johnny in the emergency department)

This report lists eight statements that are considered misinformation. First, what governing body or person determines what is misinformation or not? Second, the majority of those statements are true or questionable based on evidence in this report. The mind control aspect of this article is leading with the absolution of truth without proper scientific review or debate. the-public-believes-or-is-unsure-about-at-least-one-false-statement-and-nearly-at-third-believe-at- least-four-of-eight-false-statements-tested/ Review this article and picture with ideas that are coined misinformation. Based on evidence in this report, those three ideas are most likely true. The phrase “ p andemic of the unvaccinated” was typed in the YouTube search bar. Here are the results. Everyone knows repetition is the first step to believing something like a religion or a hate belief system. How many videos include this phrase? Hopefully, this report enlightened you about this fallacy. People in the compilation video say that unvaxxed people are responsible for killing others. (compilation video of this phrase)

Dr. Singer presents seven coercive mind control tactics in this article. Ask yourself if these tactics were used during the Covid pandemic. Behavioral scientists promoted questionable methods to coerce behavior for Covid compliance. This article is a master class on neural linguistic programming and word play without sound science. Joe Biden issued an executive order for employees of large businesses to get the shot, causing many to quit. This mandate was determined by the US Supreme Court to be outside the President’s power. joe-biden-on-the-u-s-supreme-courts-decision-on-vaccine-requirements/ Joe Biden used aggressive languages in a speech to the nation, antagonizing those who are unvaxxed, which made it acceptable for the vaxxed to do the same. Biden actually said , “T his is not about freedom or personal choice. ” Once a government defines freedom, it no longer exists. Joe Biden delivers another fear-induc ing speech by saying that nearly everyone who’ll die this year from Covid will not be up-to-date on their Covid shots or be those who refrain from taking Paxlovid when sick with Covid. I was waiting for the following sound: Brought to you by Pfizer!

A CNN reporter stated that unvaxxed people shouldn’t be allowed to buy food or work.

A CNN reporter stated that unvaxxed people shouldn’t be allowed to leave their homes.


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