Research Report on COVID-19

▪ Definitions and methodologies are essential. The definitions for “fully vaccinated” and “partially vaccinated” wavered during the pandemic and between studies. How authorities determined Covid cases and deaths was never consistent. The tracking of Covid cases was passive and inconsistent between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, and the CDC even admitted to halting their tracking of breakthrough cases. The vaccine registries are also broken, so how can authorities truly determine the effectiveness of the Covid shots with all of these inconsistencies?

▪ Why were doctors, scientists and health care personnel heavily castigated or censored from asking questions or providing their own expertise or concerns with the Covid shots?

▪ Pfizer and Moderna are still releasing tons of data from their clinical trials, and even asked for 75 years to do so. Are they trying to hide something?

▪ Why did authorities disallow doctors from using ivermectin and other potential therapies to treat Covid when no other therapies were working? We know the approval of ivermectin and other therapies would’ve prevented the emergency use authorization for the Covid shots. ▪ Why did authorities use mRNA technology to design the Covid shots? This technique to fight coronaviruses in previous clinical studies was never effective, resulting in the death of many animals from antibody dependent enhancement or systemic inflammation. ▪ Why were doctors encouraged and instructed to list Covid as the underlying cause of death on death certificates without proper confirmation? Ironically, with the PCR test being inadequate for diagnosing Covid, is there an effective tool or test to confirm Covid cases or deaths? ▪ Entities who heavily endorsed the Covid rollout, such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, constantly discuss the need for world depopulation and a Great Reset via the control and monitoring of people’s biometric data. Are the masses of people aware and fine with this agenda?

▪ Why would authorities treat Covid like the deadliest disease ever, when it possesses an extremely low fatality rate? The fatality rate even includes the inflated Covid cases.

▪ The blood of vaxxed people appears to be clotting and clumping, while containing foreign and mechanical material. If these blood pictures are real, are authorities investigating this matter at all or just covering it up?

▪ Why are embalmers from around the world finding fibrous, lengthy clots inside the bodies of dead vaxxed people? Why is their blood dark and grainy?

▪ Excess mortality rates have soared in the US and across the world since 2021, even as high as 40% in certain countries and age groups. It makes sense to link this finding to the Covid shots. However, are authorities doing anything to examine this issue and potential link? ▪ Why are authorities now saying that Covid infections can cause blood clots, myocarditis and even nervous system diseases? It just seems odd and convenient that the authorities, CDC and FDA didn’t mention these links with Covid infections in 2020.

▪ Why are people (who were injured from taking the Covid shots) gaslighted and ghosted in the mainstream media? Why are they not being treated, compensated and/or heard?


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