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Tap is leaking water Red Ants Problem
Catherine Lind Sanchez -10/10
9:19 AM Lot 071 11:10 AM Lot 510 11:27 AM Lot 364
Done Per Dewey
Lot Light Sensor dosnt work
Ant Infestation
Susan - 10/09 VC ML
Done Per Dewey
1:13 PM 2:28 PM 2:30 PM 9:38 PM 9:40 PM 9:47 PM
Lot 026 Entrance
Pedestrian Gate doesn't work
Security-10/09 Scurity - 10/09
Golf cart keeps dying
Per Lorenzo Done -11/10 Per Lorenzo Done -11/10
Golf Cart 12
By gate- light not working-close to tree Ground light- righ isde of gate-main entrance Ground light- entrance of tennis court
Jose- Security- 10/08 Jose- Security- 10/08 Jose-Security- 10/08
Maintenance Area
Satellite F Satellite D
East Entrance by Mens rr light out
Ruben-Security- 10/07 Per Lorenzo Done -11/10
11:20 PM LPCH 7:36 AM Lot 682 12:02 PM ESCH 12:42 PM Satellite D 12:45 PM Gate House 9:31 AM Lot 1090 9:56 AM Lot 071 10:22 AM Lot 369 10:22 AM Lot 887
Main line may need replacement-spraying water all over Kitchen door with prox card reader not closing Golf cart #12 diesstops frequently while driving it Couple of sprinkler issues & 2 gushing out Hose Bib- Worker just showed up & left Lot light socket busted by trimming tree workers/replace Turn on pool heaters Washer not working-Far right next to wall 3rd one Water sprinkler spraying straight in the air-replacement Status on work - If they will dig
Jose- Security- 10/12
Per Lorenzo Done-10/21
Jose - Security - 10/12 Per Lorenzo Done - 11/10
Per Joe Done- 10/15 status update on work
Catherine Lind
Dino Rick
Per Lorenzo owner responsible-11/10
Received email this morning
Asked Joe on status of work
Julia - 10/13 Jamie-10/13
1:33 PM 3:49 PM 5:56 PM
Satellite C
Lot 815 Lot 363
Inf ront of lot 3/4 sprinklers are not working/shooting in air Stephens -10/13
Breaker keeps popping
8:33 AM Lot 584 9:18 AM Lot 808 11:18 AM Lot 821 11:48 AM LPCH 12:22 PM Lot 1165
Front electrical panel issues- no power Center divider there is adead plant Paid for palm trees to be cut they haven't Finish work at the back of property Main door jammed
Fran N/A N/A N/A
Terry - 10/14 Rich - 10/14 Terry - 10/14
Per Julia she emailed Ms. Terry
Will talk with Mr. Ed about the issue
1:54 PM 2:55 PM 3:01 PM
Lot 869 Lot 658 Lot 869
Electrical Box issues
Would like to speak to Vintage Breaker keeps popping Tree in commn area is dead
Per Julia she emailed Ms. Terry
Will talk with Mr. Ed about the issue
Debra Linda Janet Margie Debra
8:33 AM Lot 584 9:24 AM Lot 895 9:29 AM Pet Area 9:56 AM Lot 1196 10:03 AM Lot 584 11:08 AM Lot 004 11:17 AM Lot 643 12:16 PM Lot 216 12:40 PM Lot 686 12:52 PM Lot 216 12:52 PM Lot 456 6:20 AM Satellite E 6:20 AM Satellite E 6:32 AM HOA Office 8:25 AM Lot 216 9:01 AM Lot 761 9:11 AM Lot 838 9:17 AM Lot 549 10:25 AM Lot 739 10:52 AM Lot 431 9:04 AM Lot 761 9:36 AM Lot 450 9:51 AM Lot 766 9:52 AM Lot 462 8:01 AM Lot 923 10:52 PM Golf Cart 13 9:41 AM Satellite F 9:41 AM Satellite F 1:02 PM 2:50 PM Lot 1165 Lot 584 3:13 PM LPCH 1:20 PM Lot 1196 9:41 AM Satellite F 10:03 AM Lot 697 10:13 AM Neighbor 10:40 AM Lot 553
Clean pet area- daily
Palm treenot trimmed- paid but no service
Emailed awaitng response
Outlet breaker popping
Dead tree -water closed for period of time 2 drains in the lot are not draining
Dale Julia
Talk to Mr. Byron regarding issus in his lot: Electrical, faucet Greg Sprinkler water gushing toward 5th wheel- check sprinklers Dennis
Done Per Lorenzo
Owners respoonsibility
Water faucet leak
Per Lorenzo Done -10/22
Fix pedestal
Julia- Compliance
Palm treenot trimmed- paid but no service
Emailed awaitng response
Circuit breaker issues
Corner of pool area- light out Pool Light out- Ground light out West Pond In Entrance- ground lights
Jerry- 10/18 Jerry- 10/18
No Power in Lot
Greg David
Done Per Lorenzo
Owners respomsibility
Tree trimming not done- cut honey flowers also fumigation-Ant Hill & Check sprinklers issues Acces thorugh Lot 724- Sprinkler/pipe broken Palm tree status- gardener already cut tree Front water spigot is not working
Per Dewey Done -10/19
Per Joe Done -11/09
John Mike
10/22 @12:17 confirmed to void check
Hot tubs are having issues Power Pole 30M not working Reliable tree- tree trimming status
Greg- Lot 216-10/16
Reliable tree works-Palm Tree Reuqets for RTW Time Frame of when check will be cashed
Palm Trees not trimmed
Install new white light dome for the post- broken has two flat tires on the left side of the cart Washer door locked and unable to open didn't start cycle
Julia- Compliance Luis - Security
Per Lorenzo Done -11/10 Per Lorenzo Done -11/10 Lorenzo went to open washer
Joy Joy Joy
Pool is missing 3 to 6 tiles
Replace batteries on clock- laundry room & Pool
Trim below 5 feet
Per Julia yes but they are to maintain
Other side neighbor is asking for tree branches going to Electrical Pillar not working/ assistance with cable boxes
Per Lorenzo Done -11/10
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