C. Extended Water Shut-off GM Vitrano responded to a question of Director Boudin that there was extended water shut off within the resort causing numerous hedges to die. GM Vitrano reported that there was no extended water shut off within the resort. There is a beetle that is attacking the Carolina Cherries which is causing distress. Committee Reports
None Consent Agenda
A. Minutes Approval 1. Board Meeting- September 21, 2020 Motion to Approve Consent Agenda: Vice President Renoe
Second: Secretary Barber Approved: Unanimously
Unfinished Business
A. Concessionaire Contract 1. GM Vitrano discussed the Amendment of the TACOOK contract and what to include in the Amendment regarding the Roma coffee Café and Catering additions. A motion was presented by Vice President Renoe to approve the First Amendment to the Concessionaire contract, adding the coffee bar at ES as a new location of the contract which would add gross income to any financial reporting as contractually required.
Second: Treasurer Hare Approved: Unanimously B. CVWD Property Contract Vice President Renoe discussed the history of the Sunniva Property.
A motion was made by Director Boudin to approve the revised Purchase and Sales agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), in the amount of $30,000 for purchase of real property, pending a revised Dog Park License and review by legal counsel. Second: Director McCune Approved: Unanimously C. Date Palm Removal/ Replacement GM Vitrano discussed the removal of 22 trees that posed a liability to the Resort due to their deterioration. It was discovered that the cost will be more than originally anticipated. A motion was made by Vice President Renoe to approve an expenditure, in an amount of $26,300 from Reserves, to remove and/or replace nine Date Palm trees on Common Area, and award the work to remove
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