J & L Ventures LLC - 2022 Benefit Guide

Welcome to Healthgram Connect

A familiar situation. You need help quickly to confirm that a local doctor is in network, or maybe you ’ ve developed a cough or been diagnosed with a condition and are not sure where to receive care. No matter how you enter the healthcare system, there are times when questions are met with even more questions, when what you need is answers. Help is on the way. Your employer has teamed up with Healthgram to bring you a solution. Healthgram Connect aligns you with a knowledgeable Health Advisor. Your Advisor, who is supported by a team of medical and benefits experts, is ready to answer any questions you have about your benefits or care. That means everything from network questions to appointment scheduling to billing!

A call to your Advisor can help you:

Find the r i g ht docto r, hospital or facility for your specific needs

Re s olve in s u ra nce - r el a ted i ss ue s from claims status inquiries to billing

Unde rs t a nd you r b ene fi t s including all coverage questions and issues

E s ti ma te m edic a l co s t s and in some cases, help you earn money

St a y he a lthy with the help of alert reminders for upcoming screenings

866.904.9081 All you need to do is call!



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