Evolution of BNPL

Sustainable Strategies for Success What does it take to stay on top in a highly volatile industry? All you need is a sustainable strategy that maximizes process/cost efficiency and portfolio performance with AI/ML. But defining the sustainable strategy is only the first part - you need technology that reflects your goals and adapts alongside you. Data Efficiency When polled, 60% of decision-makers planned to invest in technology to solve their operational efficiency challenges. But why invest in additional technology when you can demand more from your decisioning solution? Your risk decisioning foundation helps ensure you aren’t losing revenue to default and fraud, but your technology should also ensure you aren’t losing revenue to unnecessary data calls and bloated processes. Get rid of excess data to make sure every data point is earning its place and adding value to your decisions. Use AI/ML to analyze your decisioning processes. Do you have redundant data sources? Are they the right sources for your target market? Is each data point coming at the right step in the process? In short, how effective is your data? With embedded reporting, you can continuously optimize your strategy to reflect your business goals.


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