Evolution of BNPL

Deploy updates quickly We’ve all seen how fast BNPL and other disruptive solutions can take off. To remain competitive and (eventually) compliant, you need to be able to update and deploy your models in minutes, not weeks or months. One of the best ways to guarantee that flexibility is with simple-to-use user interfaces (UI), built for business users. With low-code UI, you can reduce reliance on IT or outside vendors, and sometimes bypass them altogether, which lets you adjust your risk strategy and deploy changes without the wait. Scale with ease BNPL is heating up and cooling down in different parts of the world, and your offerings should reflect that. Take into account the breadth of the market BNPL lenders are serving - if you’re in a market with narrower usage, your processes, models, and infrastructure power will look different than a platform supporting a wide range of verticals. Especially if you are or are planning to be a global provider, guarantee your risk decisioning platform can scale alongside your business. Stay Relevant with Accessible Flexibility As BNPL evolves past 3.0 and compliance becomes a core consideration, your technology needs to shift alongside it. That means if you want to remain relevant, flexibility is a must. And to be truly flexible, any business user needs to be able to access the technology and make changes quickly. Whether you’re accounting for changes in market demand, business verticals, compliance, or risk appetite, ensure your technology can:


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