Adult Course Guide 2024-25

“Just as accountants and marketers can apply their skills to nearly every industry, sustainability professionals can work in multiple roles across various businesses, nonprofits and government agencies. It’s a growing field with a growing number of generic and specialist jobs available, so if it’s something you’re passionate about, you’ll be an asset to a wide range of companies.” Jess Fenner , Sustainability Consultant

“Developing green skills is essential for the success and reputation of any business, and it’s going to become more and more relevant in the coming years. Being able to support a business’ sustainability goals with a strong understanding of environmental and social issues is going to stand you in good stead in any industry, so I’d encourage students to get involved in this growing field no matter what industry you’re leaning towards.” Gemma Hutchings , Curriculum Sustainability Lead

APPRENTICESHIPS • Junior Energy Manager • Waste Resource Operative

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS • Certified Energy Efficiency Practitioner - Buildings • Certified Energy Efficiency Practitioner - Industrial • Installation of Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Systems • Requirements for the Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points

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