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Back pain can be mild to very severe and is experienced at one point or another in 80% of people. Low back pain can be a warning sign of spinal abnormalities and result from poor posture. Today, the most common treatments for back pain are NSAIDS like aspirin and acetaminophen along with more potent conventional pain medications. These drugs have adverse side effects and have been linked to liver damage and intestinal bleeding. Luckily, essential oils can help your back pain feel The 7 essential oils below are tried and true aids to relieving bodily discomfort. If you use even just a few of these oils for your back pain, you will be in better shape. Marjoram - Marjoram is a great oil for back pain because it is warming, soothing and eases the joints and muscles. It’s also emotionally calming, stress easing and generally soothing. It reduces inflammation as well (great for arthritis). Basil - Basil is an ideal oil for tight muscles. It helps relax and loosen up any muscular tension wherever applied. Basil is also a great oil for the nerves/mental fatigue. In cases of neuritis, it’s a highly recommended oil to rub into the spine, lower back and up into the neck area. Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus is a warming, soothing oil that contains some strong anti-inflammatory qualities. These anti-inflammatory properties, paired with its strong analgesic effect make it effective at relieving aches, pains, and stiffness. better without the damaging side effects. 7 Essential Oils for Back Pain

Ginger - Anotherwarmingessentialoil,ginger, isperfectlyfit forapplication on sore, tired, and painful back muscles. It’s quite effective for tightness, rheumatism, and arthritic conditions. If you experience discomfort and/ or any spasms, make sure to have ginger on hand. Lavender - Lavender is a wonderful all-around oil. This oil is particularly indicated for use in cases of stress, restlessness, hyperactivity, fatigue, and anxiety. While not as warming or hot as some of the other oils listed above, lavender still contains some powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities that are great for backaches. Peppermint - Peppermint is a refreshing and uplifting oil that contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties (notice a theme here?). You’re probably familiarwithpeppermintoilandhavesomeonhand. It’sgreatstuff! Rosemary - Rosemary, like lavender, is another great all-around oil. It’s effective for aches, pains, arthritis, among many other things. It’s analgesic and tonic qualities make it a top-rated oil for backaches.

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

LOWER TRUNK ROTATIONS Lying on your back with your knees bent, gently rock your knees side-to-side. Repeat 8 times on both sides. Loosens Back

Have YouMet Your Deductible Yet? Have you met your annual insurance deductible? If you have, your therapy may be free. How do you check to see if your deductible has been met? You can call your insurance and ask them or you can call us and we will gladly check your benefits for you.

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