Law Office of Mark Rosenfeld - September/October 2021

How Reading Fiction Can Benefit You SELF-HELP BOOKS CAN’T DO IT ALL

Many CEOs and other successful individuals continually espouse the benefits of regular reading. Many times, leaders read self-help books to improve their leadership skills and become more successful. This is all well and good, but even the most successful people in the world could be missing out on the unique benefits that come specifically from reading fiction. But what are those benefits exactly?

thinking or feeling a certain way, we tend to think or feel that way with them.

Less Stress and Better Sleep When we read fiction specifically, we tend to disengage from the world — and that’s a good thing! Our brains can’t always be functioning at their peak capacity. We need breaks, or else we’ll stress ourselves out and negatively affect other areas of our lives. Stress tends to keep us from sound sleep, but reading fiction before bed engages the imagination, taking us away from the stresses of everyday life before we drift off. More Comfort With Uncertainty Even though many stories (particularly those portrayed in popular movies) have nice happy endings, most people would agree that life sometimes leaves things a little more

open-ended. While this fact might stress out some people, researchers have discovered that fiction readers don’t need “cognitive closure” as much as nonfiction readers. Greater Happiness Even if none of the benefits of fiction interest you, everyone wants to find ways to make themselves happy — and for many, that is reading fiction. According to one survey, 76% of participants said that reading makes them feel good and improves their lives. So, what are you waiting for? Dust off that novel you’ve been meaning to read and crack it open!

Greater Empathy When a psychologist analyzed 86

functioning MRI (fMRI) studies, he found that the same parts of the brain that fire up when reading fictional stories also fire up when we’re seeking to understand the thoughts and feelings of others. That’s because when the characters in the book we’re reading are


Yes! Here’s Why

Getting charged with a DUI can be a very scary, isolating experience, especially if you don’t know anyone who's been in a similar situation. However, people can fail sobriety tests all the time, even when sober! But how? Why Sobriety Tests Can Be Faulty People usually fail the field sobriety tests because these tests are used to determine a person’s balance and coordination, so they are actually designed for failure. The officer would be able to find something that looked like impairment if a person continued to do field sobriety tests for long enough or if they performed enough different tests. The field sobriety tests were never designed to be used in the way or with the intensity they are being used now. The rules and

procedures around field sobriety tests have evolved over the past 30 years to make it easier for police officers to make arrests, so something that may have disqualified someone from participating in standardized field sobriety tests 20 years ago has now become perfectly acceptable. It is similar to the telephone game, because as more officers use it and teach other officers, the more diluted it becomes. By the end of the line, the message received has nothing to do with the original scientific research, and even that is questionable in regards to how it applies to field sobriety tests. Is It Really Possible to Beat My DUI? We hear this question a lot, and the answer is yes! We know well-founded legal and scientific defenses to a DUI charge that

allow good defense attorneys to get cases dismissed. Some cases are won pre-trial without even having to go to a jury. Other cases require the jury to hear the testimony of the cops and experts to see that the defendant is not guilty of the crimes charged. Each case is unique, and sometimes a “win” is keeping someone out of county jail when they are facing mandatory jail time. Sometimes a “win” is reducing a charge to keep someone working at their job where a DUI conviction would mean termination and unemployment. Our skilled criminal defense lawyers work with these types of cases every day — please give us a call as soon as you’re in need of advice!



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