Bounce Back Physical Therapy: Stand Up to Sciatica

Seek Physical Therapy First! TREAT NATURAL PAIN WITH A NATURAL TREATMENT Bad Habits Can Increase Your Pain

LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Training) BIG and PWR! (Parkinson’s wellness recovery) Certified Focus on high amplitude movement and aerobic exercise to slow disease progression and retrain the patient to move better • Train the building blocks of movement into daily tasks • Dual Tasking-incorporating cognitive and motor tasks • Targeted exercise to reduce bradykinesia, rigidity and improve coordination • Your PT will be your coach to teach you how to exercise and move correctly • Exercise optimizes brain health and efficiency! • Parkinson’s is a movement disorder so “use it or lose it”, keep yourself moving so you don’t lose it One-on-One with PT focusing on patient’s goals and impairments Improve quality of life Some seemingly harmless habits can also contribute to the irritation of the sciatic nerve. A frequent bad habit is crossing of the legs for extended periods, which puts pressure on the nerve. In addition, sitting for long periods is bad for your spine. It is possible for you to prevent or relieve sciatica simply by improving your posture. Physical Therapy Relieves Sciatica The specialists at Bounce Back Physical Therapy play a crucial role in evaluating and treating sciatica, as well as other common back problems. Our physical therapists are medical experts with years of training to evaluate your back problem, finding the root cause of your sciatica. An individualized treatment plan is created to guide you through the recovery process and maximize your success. When coming to Bounce Back Physical Therapy, our friendly and knowledgeable therapists spend time with you. We train you on specific and easy exercises that will relieve the pain in your back and legs. In addition, our specialized hands-on therapy helps to gently loosen tight muscles and joints in your spine and legs. Your pain is quickly relieved and your flexibility restored, so you can feel like yourself again. Our cutting-edge treatments are doctor recommended and are specifically designed for you to reach your healthcare goals.

Knowing all this should give you a headstart in warding off painful sciatica. After all, it may be as simple as learning to stand tall. Journalofneurosurgery:SpineFeb,2005Volume2,Number2.AaronG.Filler,M.D.,Ph.D.,JodeanHaynes,B.A.,Sheldon E.Jordan,M.D.,JoshuaPrager,M.D.,J.PabloVillablanca,M.D.,KeyvanFarahani,Ph.D.,DuncanQ.Mcbride,M.D.,Jay S.Tsuruda,M.D.,BrannonMorisoli,B.A.,UlrichBatzdorf,M.D.,andJ.PatrickJohnson,M.D.


Programs focus on Posture, Weight shifting, Stepping, and Trunk mobility 1. Improve posture-reduce forward trunk lean, stand taller 2. Weight shifting- Improved balance and reduce risk of falls 3. Stepping- Ability to walk faster and reduce shuffling gait and freezing 4. Trunk Mobility-improve bed mobility, functional reaching, and arm swing with gait


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