
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — March 29 - April 11, 2013 — A


R enewable & A lternative E nergy

RENTON, NJ — Highlighting its insti- tutional commitment With the “2013 Land Use Legacy Award” Urban Land Institute honors New Jersey Economic Development Authority T throughout the state.”

Growth (ERG) programs. In total, these programs will help to spur the private investment of nearly $5 bil- lion, and support the creation of an estimated 15,875 new, permanent jobs and 20,180 construction jobs, as well as the retention of 2,935 exist- ing jobs that were “at risk” of leaving New Jersey. The EDA also offers a host of small business lending pro- grams in partnership with New Jersey’s banking com- munity to increase access to capital and drive the growth of local jobs and community investment. n

In accepting the award, EDA President and COO Tim Lizura noted that the “talented and dedicated staff at the EDA” who put these economic tools to use help to make the Authority such an effective organization. Under the Christie Ad- ministration, the EDA has helped to advance significant projects in New Jersey’s urban centers through the enhanced Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit (Hub) and Eco- nomic Redevelopment and

to community-building and the revitalization of New Jersey’s urban core, th e New Jersey Economic Devel- opment Authority (EDA) received the “2013 Land Use Legacy Award” from the Urban Land Institute- Northern New Jersey (ULI-NNJ) at the nonprofit organization’s 75th Anniver- sary Legacy Awards dinner last night. “The EDAhas always been an innovative partner of the private sector, and has played a key role in directing capital to urban communities,” said RobertAntonicello, ULI-NNJ chair and executive director of the Jersey City Redevelop- ment Agency. “This award signifies our appreciation for the EDA’s many contribu- tions to the cities, towns and communities that make New Jersey such a great place to live and work.” Coinciding with its 75th anniversary, the theme of ULI-NNJ’s awards ceremony was “Looking Forward, Look- ing Back.” The ceremony served to honor those who have worked to redevelop and stimulate investment in New Jersey’s cities, and look forward to address future challenges facing the real estate development industry. The awards are intended to recognize and honor the pro- fessional legacies of those in- dividuals and organizations whose contributions to New Jersey’s urban development most closely mirror the mis- sion of ULI-NNJ. “The EDAhas worked with a host of public and private partners to successfully cata- lyze large-scale redevelop- ment projects that are trans- forming neighborhoods, cre- ating jobs for local residents, and stimulating economic activity that benefits all New Jerseyans,” said EDA CEOMichele Brown. “We are honored to accept this award, and we thank the Governor and Legislature for providing us with the economic tools needed to attract significant investment to our urban centers, encourage sustain- able development in our communities, and foster the growth of small businesses

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority developed the Wa- terfront Technology Center at Camden, the first public project in the State of New Jersey to receive LEED Gold certification.

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