4B — March 29 - April 11, 2013 — Shopping Centers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Rely on Rock
s hopping C enteRs
RKF & Associates handles 1900 s/f lease on behalf of lessor Metro Commercial handles retail leases totaling 15,900 s/f P HiLADELpHiA, pA — Al l en Edmonds opened their Philadel-
phia flagship store on the corner of 18th & Chestnut Sts. in Philadelphia. Me t ro Commerc i a l ’s Steve Gartner and Michael Gorman negotiated the 1,900 s/f lease on behalf of the land- lord, Midwood investment &Development . Metro Com- mercial worked with Drew Schaul of RKF&Associates , who representsAllen Edmonds nationally. According to Gartner, “Even as recently as 18 months ago, a first-class retailer such as
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Allen Edmonds
Allen Edmonds would have only wanted to locate on a nar- row stretch of Walnut Street. Now, Chestnut Street and even Market Street are seeing national and strong regional merchants seeking space.” Said Gorman, “Allen Ed- monds needs to reach the typical shopper, but more importantly, needed to access the upscale male customer, closer to the office corridors of Market Street and JFK Boulevard. This location gets them both.” In a separate deal negoti- ated by Metro Commercial, Sneaker Villa has signed a sublease for the 14,100 s/f for- mer Walgreens located at 608 South St, it was announced by Brent Barbehenn , vice presi- dent of Metro Commercial. n
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a section of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal P.O. Box 26, Accord, MA 02018 781-871-5298 • 800-584-1062 fax 781-871-5299 www.marejournal.com Shopping Centers Real Estate Journal
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PHILADELPHIA METRO OFFICE: 8614 Montgomery Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215-836-2510 LANCASTER OFFICE: 1853 William Penn Way, P.O. Box 10368 Lancaster, PA 17605-0368 717-672-0614
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Section Publisher Elaine Fanning efanning@marejournal.com
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Section Editor Karen Vachon editor@marejournal.com
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