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Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — March 29 - April 11, 2013 — A
Clarion Partners & Cassidy Turley lead process to achieve highest level of LEED Certification The McPherson Building in Washington, DC receives LEED Platinum EB Certification
ASHINGTON, DC — Cassidy Turley announced that the
agement required to achieve the certification. The LEED Platinum certification of the building was based on modi- fications to the operations and maintenance procedures that positively impacted the building itself and the broader community. The focus of the efforts was on improving en- ergy performance through the implementation of various en- ergy conservation strategies, reducing the consumption of potable water, optimizing indoor environmental qual- ity, improving the recycling program, and offsetting the building’s energy consumption with Renewable Energy Cred- its (RECs) generated by wind power. Additional features include: •Achieved an ENERGY STAR score of 92 • Recycled over 60% of the buildings waste stream • Over 75% of building occu- pants use alternatives to sin- gle occupancy vehicles when commuting, helping to reduce the overall carbon footprint of the building. n
McPherson Building, located at 901 15th St. NW and owned by Clarion Partners , has been awarded LEED for Ex- isting Buildings Platinum certification. The McPherson Building is a 12-story, 246,014 s/f office building. LEED is the nation’s preeminent program for the design, construction and operation of high per- formance green buildings, established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and verified by the Green Building Certification In- stitute (GBCI) . “We are pleased and grati- fied to achieve LEEDPlatinum certification for theMcPherson Building, in support of Clarion Partners’ goal to create a more sustainable and efficient workplace for the tenants at McPherson Building,” said Nicole Snarski , sustainabil- ity project manager with Cas- sidy Turley. “An engaged and devoted ownership combined with excited and motivated Dayton, NJ — Solis Part- ners , a commercial solar devel- oper, recently completed a 1.82 MW rooftop solar electric sys- tem at Freeze’s manufacturing and distribution facility. Solis Partners designed, engi- neered and constructed the so- lar PV system on the roof of the 320,000 s/f facility. The system operates under a full service PPA allowing Freeze to receive all the benefits of onsite solar electric generation without any capital cost. The solar array consists of 6,994 panels that will generate more than 2.1 million kilowatt hours of clean energy in the first year or about 80% of Freeze’s annual electricity needs. Over the life of the system, this will equate to the reduction of more than 35,000 metric tons of CO2 gas emissions roughly equiva- lent to the impact of taking
tenants allowed us to attain this elite green building sta- tus.” “We are proud that The McPherson Building has achieved LEED Platinum status,” said Marc DeLuca , managing director at Clarion Partners. “As a leading real estate investor in major mar- kets across the United States as well as in Washington, DC, Clarion Partners is committed McPherson Building Lobby
901 15th St. NW
Bennett , property manager with Cassidy Turley. “We kept tenants informed with regular meetings, conducted indoor air quality testing, implemented a green cleaning program, and used MERV 13 filters to filter the Outdoor Air that is brought into the building,” she continued. Cassidy Turley’s Sustain- ability Services team handled the day-to-day project man-
to responsible management practices across our portfolio. The McPherson Building is an outstanding example of how sustainable operations can be achieved with thoughtful programs of capital improve- ment.” “Throughout the certifica- tion process, tenant comfort and satisfaction remained a priority for the property man- agement team,” said Betsy
Solis Partners completes 1.82MW rooftop solar installation at at Freeze’s NJ manufacturing and distribution facility
7,300 cars off the road. “Freeze is setting a strong example of how to develop and incorporate sustainable prac- tices into a business in order to become more efficient and competitive,” said Jamie Hahn, same time meet our sustainabil- ity goals,” said Charlie Tebele, CEO of Freeze. “Our commit- ment to renewable energy solu- tions will help ensure a cleaner environment, while saving our customers money.” n The solar array consists of 6,994 panels that will generate more than 2.1 million kilowatt hours of clean energy in the first year or about 80 percent of Freeze’s annual electricity needs co-founder and managing di- rector of Solis Partners. “They continually look for ways to improve their business and its effect on the environment. In addition to helping the company reduce its carbon footprint, the solar installation will lower operating costs and serve as a hedge against future rate increases.” “The solar panels installed will allow us to increase our net operating income and at the
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