King's Business - 1934-09

October, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



CASH FO R YOU How to earn some quick money for yourself..... your Church..your Sun ­ day Scho o l.... and your M is s io n a ry S o c ie ty ! ! ! • THE , K IN G 'S BUSINESS is about to inaugurate a N A ­ T IO N -W ID E C A M P A I G N fo r new su b sc r ib e r s and wishes to p lace a sam p le copy in the hands of as many Christian re ad e r s as pos­ sible. W e will pay $1.00 to $5.00 cash, for up-to-date Directories, Annuals, or Year Books o f P r o t e s t a n t Churches giving comp lete list of membership with ad­ dresses. Larger sums paid when list of addresses is carefully checked to indi­ cate the names of Pastors, Christian Workers, Sunday School Teachers, etc. Write at once for LETTER O F IN ­ STRU C T IO N S and prepare to send us all the Directories published in your C ity and State. • W R I T E T O D A Y , as of course only O N E Directory of each Church can be paid for. " 'W ------------------- Circulation Manager, The King’s M e s s

claims that atheism is self-destructive, and that Christianity, purged from many of its corruptions, will emerge unscathed from persecution, enthroned in the hearts of re­ generated Russian believers. As a guide to an understanding of the present situa­ tion in Russia, it is better than most arti­ cles appearing in papers and magazines, because the latter are frequently unau- thoritative, or biased, or both. Professor Martzinkovski writes as a student, as a native Russian, and as a Christian. 364 pages. American European Fellowship, 1213 North Franklin St., Philadelphia. Cloth. Price $1.25. Opening with “He’s Coming Tomorrow,” a Christmas story by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, this twenty-four page booklet con­ tinues with a selection of Scripture pas­ sages setting forth prophecies of the Lord’s return and of the outcome for the saved and the unsaved. The Christmas cover pre­ sents, in colors, a picture of the nativity. The message makes the booklet especially suitable for gifts to Sunday-school classes. Orders may be sent to Mrs. N. H. Griffiin, 1624 N. El Molino Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Price 15 cents. Christmas Booklet B y N ancy H earn G riffin Life and Love in a D evonshire V illage B y B eth J. C oombe H arris As the title suggests, the story is one of village life in England. It concerns the lives of young people as they come to Christ and recounts their struggles and victories thereafter. Ill pages. John R. Ritchie, Ltd. Board. Price 50 cents. The Home of Onesiphorus Nearly 1900 years ago, a man named Onesiphorus visited the Apostle Paul while he lay helpless in prison, and min­ istered to him in his bonds. Eighteen years ago, two missionaries laboring in China, caught a vision of Christian service to the helpless, and founded the Home of Onesiphorus. Rev. L. M. Anglin, with his wife, received a call to preach the gospel to the Chinese. Step­ ping out “on faith,” they arrived on the field and labored at interior mission sta­ tions for six years. It was while engaged in this ministry that the Lord laid upon their hearts the wonderful opportunities for work among the helpless outcast chil­ dren, and, feeling it to be the Master’s will for them, they opened their home to the helpless, sharing what they had—food, shelter, and the light of the gospel. From this beginning has come the Home of Onesiphorus. Over 500 children and about a hundred aged adults are numbered in this Home today. For the past eighteen years, boys and girls, who were at one time doomed for oriental slavery, have been rescued, cared for, and nurtured Jn the Lord. For the past eight years they have been going forth, a class or two each year, equipped with a Christian education and able to go out among their fellow Chinese as helpers in the Master’s service.

“Eye” to “A y e ” B y P aul H. G raef

Carried forward by à most striking typographical arrangement of facts and Scripture quotations, the reader, whether a Christian or unsaved, will find his inter­ est stimulated and his attention held by this unusual book. The work is designed, not as a book on soul-winning, but as one which will win souls, bringing the reader to an opportunity for decision. Mr. Graef has utilized every suitable device—color, emphasis, and varieties of type—to bring the truth home with searching power. Many of the pages appear like posters, with brief and telling statements of the plan of salvation. Always the dependence is upon the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Statements are supported by Scripture, and the arrangement is such that the casual reader is turned to the quotations for enlightenment. 127 pages. Christian Publications, Inc. Cloth, Price $ 1 . 00 . Students of prophecy as it concerns kingdom teaching will welcome this new edition of Dr. Gaebelein’s careful study of our Lord’s great Olivet discourse. Truly expository both in the investigation of the great message and in the consideration of related passages in the Old and New Tes­ taments, the volume meets a specific need. And in this book the author’s reverent scholarship and clear style have united to bring the reader directly to the Lord’s own revelation concerning this important sub­ ject. . . . Dr. Gaebelein makes three principal di­ visions of the Lord’s discourse as it ap­ pears in Matthew 24 and 25. First is Matthew 24:4-44, which he entitles, “The End of the Age,” and interprets as deal­ ing with the Jewish age. Next is Matthew 24:45 to 25 :30, “The Christian Era,” while the third division is Matthew 25:31-46, “The Judgment of the Nations.” j Consid­ erable space is given to the clearing away of various misconceptions regarding the return of Christ, showing wherein certain views fall short of the Scriptures. 127 pages. Our Hope Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . This book contains the personal mem­ oirs of a Christian Russian professor who was a lecturer and preacher of the gospel in Soviet Russia from 1918, the first year of the Revolution, until 1923, the year of his exile. Modestly, and without political bias or personal rancor, he recounts his ex­ perience with the leaders of the Greek Or­ thodox Church, with representatives of the Red Government, and with the common people of Russia in lecture halls, on the streets, and in prison. He is thoroughly familiar with all phases of Russian life, and he presents an excellent cross section of it in his book. His public debates, pri­ vate interviews, and sufferings in prison are described in detail. The tone of the book is definitely optimistic, for the author HU Last Words B y A rno C lemens G aebelein W ith Christ in Soviet Russia B y V ladimir P h . M artzinkovski

558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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