King's Business - 1934-09



October, 1934

It is a tremendous thing to have seen who this Jesus is—no mere man, but the Son of God, yea, God in the flesh, the One who was dead, and is now alive for ever­ more . . . . For in the light of such a vision of Jesus, you and I can well open the innermost recesses of our being to His leadership. We can surrender to Him, and bid Him enter in and rule and reign until

He has put all things under His blessed feet. Would you say it today? Would you dare to bid the Son of God enter tri­ umphantly into your life and heart, to give you not only the knowledge of that “good . . . and perfect will of God,” but also the grace which that act requires? —J. R. S. W ilson . NOVEMBER 29 W ith Thanksgiving “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever” (Rev. 7:12). Praise and prayer—the twin keys that unlock the door to His treasure chest! Keys that open the windows of heaven and let the showers of blessing descend! . . . Oh, the power of prayer and praise! It can open every prison door and set the pris­ oners free. What it did for Peter and Paul and Silas it can do for us no matter where that confinement may be. Show me a more wretched captive than a worrying Chris­ tian whose song of thanksgiving has been stilled by Satan. The song of praise and the voice of prayer would open the prison for him, even though it be midnight in the soul. “In nothing be .anxious; but in every­ thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving” has been called an impos­ sible injunction. And to the natural man it is. But the Christian is a supernatural man. “Christ liveth in me,” and if I have “the mind of Christ” I can do what other­ wise would be impossible. —A lbert S impson R eitz . NOVEMBER 30 Full Acquittal "Christ Jesus . . . is made unto us wis­ dom, and righteousness" (1 Cor. 1:30). John Bunyan tells how, walking alone in

the fields, crushed by the misery of an ac­ cusing conscience, he seemed to hear a voice above him that said, “The Lord our Righteousness”—and how, immediately, the thought flashed into his troubled soul, “It is righteousness God wants in me to take me into heaven; well, if Christ is my righteousness, then my righteousness has been in heaven, and God has been looking at it for sixteen hundred years” ; and so he came out of the darkness into the light of a perfect peace. It is only so that peace can come to any man: for what God gives us through His Son is not solvability mere­ ly, but actual salvation. —G. H. K night . IS THERE ANY WORD FROM THE LORD? [Continued from page 357] operation, of Christlike sacrifice. The fact is demonstrated daily in a score of dif­ ferent ways. For instance, a letter, received by a worker at the Institute, ran something like this: “I cannot go to the Bible Institute this fall, but I want A.-------- B.-------- to go. Inclosed is my check for $175.00. Please do not ever thank me for this, or mention my name in connection with the gift. It is ‘unto the Lord.’” The letter was received on the morning of the first regis­ tration day at the Institute! A.----------- B.--------, like many others, will probably never know who her benefactor was—but God knows the sacrifice was “unto the Lord.” With thanksgiving, consecration, and co­ operation, the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles began its fall term. And in this spirit, by God’s grace, the Institute would con­ tinue its ministry until Jesus comes: For there has been a “word from the Lord”—a word of aggression, a word of victory.

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