Verbiage Booklet


Housekeeping Department is a very important department in our hotel as they are responsible of making hotel rooms clean, tidy and comfortable for our guests. The team should be using effective communication when they are in guest contact areas to build a connection with the guest.

Colleagues ’ have to greet the guest with a smile and the appropriate greeting depending on the time of the day.

• Find out the exact details required, by listening carefully and noting it down • Ask appropriate questions about requirements • Confirm all the details back to the guest at the time of inquiry to ensure you have the right information Give the required information. If it is a matter which will take time, notify the guest the specified time in which you are able to get back to him All guest queries have to be listened to attentively and dealt with immediately in a smiling and courteous manner

Colleagues ’ have to take personal responsibility for the guest queries and get back to the guest within the specified time.

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