Verbiage Booklet


Some Scenarios for HSKP:

1. Guest was passing by the corridor and saw one colleague from HSKP then he asked about the timing of circles pool bar.

Say: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening,

Give the information to the guest if you know,

If you don ’ t know:

Say: Allow me a moment to check sir/mam (Check the cue card) - Thank you for waiting and give the information

2. Room attendant went for room servicing, he knocked the door 3 times, the guest was on the balcony so he didn't hear. The RA thought that guest was not in the room so he entered the room. When he entered he saw the guest on the balcony:

Say: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Sir/ Ma ’ am

My apologies, I knocked the door but I believe you were outside on the balcony. Is this a good time to service the room or do you prefer I come back later at another time that suits you?

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