Verbiage Booklet

Food & Beverage Service & Culinary

Food and Beverage service is the commercial and professional department that provides meals and drinks to our guests, where our colleagues are responsible to build connections with guests through effective engagement.

Guest on arrival

First time Guest * Good morning /afternoon/evening (sir/Madam), Welcome to the Restaurant name. May I please have your room number? Mr./Mrs. Guest name, may I assist you to your table?

Repeated Guest *Good morning /afternoon/Evening Mr/Ms, (Guest Name) Welcome back Mr./Ms. (Guest Name) to the Restaurant name Mr./Mrs. (Guest name), your table is ready.

• If the table is not ready Say: Allow me to check the table for you and get back

Directed to the table * Mr./Mrs. Guest name, my colleague (name), will assist you! Enjoy your Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. Departing guest *Mr./Mrs. Guest Name, how is/was your dining experience? May, I know what is your favourite dish?/Did you enjoy your food? Do you have any upcoming celebrations/plans? Thank you for dining with us, we hope to see you again. Wish you a lovely day!

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