Verbiage Booklet


Some Scenarios for Culinary:

1. The guest came to the restaurant for dinner, they ordered fish and rice. They didn ’ t like the fish so they asked to call the chef to talk about it. You were the chef and you came to approach the guest. The guest informed you that the fish is so dry and cold. In this case what would you do to deal with it. First, greet the guest then apologize to the guest and say “ I apologize for that, may I offer you another dish or something else and I will make sure that the food will come with proper temperature and you will enjoy it ” Or offer other dishes from the menu for the guest to try. 2. Chef went to the front area of the restaurant for pass around and met a guest who requested a dish which is not available in our menu. Greet the guest then apologize by saying: “ I apologize as we currently don ’ t have this item, may I offer you (another dish) which is similar to it and I am sure that you will like it ”. Or offer other items from the menu as suggestions (may I suggest this dish for you..)

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