Verbiage Booklet

Greeting the guest upon arrival

To make the guest feel welcomed and important whenever the guest arrives. We approach and meet the guest with a smile, maintain eye contact along with proper body gestures. The first colleague who meets the guest upon arrival has the opportunity to make a positive impression on the guest.

Why first impression with the guest is very important?

If the guest is cordially welcomed by the hotel, then the first impression that is created in the guest ’ s mind leaves a good lasting impact.

If the guest is not satisfied from the beginning, then he/she will be reluctant to come back to the same hotel. If the first impression leads to a negative impact, then the first contact between the guest and the hotel will not be fruitful and if we don ’ t genuinely welcome the guest then the guest may lose his or her interest in the hotel; therefore, all arrangements for guest satisfaction should be planned ahead of time.

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