Verbiage Booklet

Front Office

Some Scenarios for FO:

1. Mr. David and his wife have just arrived at 8:00am to Al Husn hotel from a late - night flight from London. Their room is not ready yet, they are so tired and hungry, and they don ’ t want to wait in the lobby. In this case we can offer them breakfast in Sultanah till the room is ready and will say: “ Mr. and Mrs. David, May we offer you breakfast at Sultanah Restaurant while we get your room ready? Enjoy your breakfast. OR We can offer them to rest in the Lounge and bring the breakfast to them in case they would like to sleep or relax.

2. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith came to complain that no one cleaned their room from the day before !

We apologize for that, allow us to check with our Housekeeping team and will make sure that this will be done right away. We will advise you once the room is cleaned.

*Take ownership to communicate with HSKP and follow up to get it done and inform the guest.

3. Mr. John arrived at Al Husn Hotel with his wife and his kids (6 and 4 years old) and they wanted to book two rooms in Al Husn.

“ Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Mr. John, welcome to Shangri - La, Al Husn. We apologize in advance but we would like to inform you that Al Husn Hotel is an Adults only Hotel (16 and above), However, we are so glad to have you with us and would recommend Al Bandar or Al Waha hotel which would be more convenient for you and the family. They also have family rooms and several kids ’ facilities to enjoy your time with your family.

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