Unlimited Health Institute March 2018

Cover story, continued ...

Recovery is also key to making sure your workouts achieve their full effect. This means not only getting a proper amount of sleep, but also engaging in a light cool-down and recovery session. Foam rolling, massage, and light stretching will help keep your muscles ready and receptive to the changes you put them through. It’ll also help limit lactic acid buildup and reduce post-workout inflammation. Whether it’s for medical reasons or personal preference, we hope these strategies can benefit your quality of life. By limiting impact, adhering to a proper diet, and engaging in recovery activities, you can live an active lifestyle without pain.

a great deal of lower-body strength and lung capacity, which makes for a great workout.

get you loosened up or an intense hot yoga session, this ancient practice is an amazing way to sustain peak physical fitness.

Reduce Inflammation


While the benefits of these exercises will keep you fit and prevent injuries caused by sustained impact, without proper diet and recovery treatment, it could be all for naught. The inflammation you prevent from doing low-impact workouts is just as likely to be brought on by the wrong diet. That’s why we’ve provided three foods to avoid if you’re looking to limit inflammation. Sugar. An oversaturation of sugar can increase levels of inflammatory messengers called cytokines. Fried foods. Fried food contains high levels of compounds that increase your overall inflammation levels. • •

Swimming has been described as the ultimate full-body workout. It does wonders for your cardiovascular system and works your upper and lower body simultaneously. It’s great for keeping your muscles strong and active. The challenge with swimming is learning to perfect the technical aspects. While other activities can be picked up with ease, swimming requires a great deal of repetition to develop the skill necessary for a great workout. However, once you have it, it’s hard to find an exercise that will do more for you.


Biking provides another incredible way to work out while limiting the impact on your joints. You don’t just take your body up a hill or down the street — you carry your body and the added weight of a bike. This requires

Saturated fats. Saturated fats are known to increase the inflammation of your fat tissue.

Keeping Up With Your New Year’s Resolutions What You Need to Do to Stay On Track and Push Forward

language for a trip next year, the resource you need may be an app on your phone.

Setting goals is the easy part. A lot of people say they want to lose weight, eat better, learn a new skill, or try a new hobby, but they don’t define their goals any further. Vague goals aren’t really goals at all. The best way to stay on track is to be as specific as possible. Understand what you need to do to accomplish your goals. Make sure you have access to the appropriate resources that will help you make progress. Resources come in all forms. Look to the people around you for accountability — your family, friends, neighbors, or colleagues. If you don’t want to involve anyone else, keep a notebook or diary to track progress. Or if you are learning a new skill, such as a foreign

March is the month of spring time and rejuvenation. It’s also the time whenmost people have forgotten about the resolutions and goals they set earlier in the year. Have you neglected or given up your goals? If you have, you are far from alone. Most people let their goals fall to the wayside at least by March, if not long before. It comes down to four simple reasons.

When you bring specific goals together with the necessary resources, achieving your dreams becomes more possible than ever before. You just have to take steps to avoid falling into the mistakes listed above. Set attainable concrete goals, track your progress, and check in with someone to keep you accountable. Since it’s been a few months, take a moment to review how far you’ve come since January. What do you need to do to make 2018 your best year yet?

1. They set goals that were out of reach or unrealistic.

2. They had zero accountability.

3. They set abstract goals.

4. They didn’t track progress.

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