King's business - 1944-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Why Independent? Every decision, every act of a Chris­ tian which involves him in personal responsibility to God, must be made independently of any other consider­ ation than the known will of God. In this sense, we are all independent of one another, because we are com­ pletely dependent upon God. A Team sets out to serve God. It secures unity of purpose after prayer. It relies upon God for guidance and power and provision. It must, there­ fore, be independent of external hu­ man control. It creates its , own in­ ternal organization, fitted to its own needs. While working in close fellow­ ship with churches, it will not be coii- trolled by them, since it operates where they often cannot reach. Aftercare of Converts The aftercare of babes in Christ, who may be born again as the re­ sults of the labors of the Gospel Team, has been the subject of many inquiries. Part of the commission of His servants b y :the Lord Jesus was “teaching them to qbserve all things', whatsoever I have commanded you.” It is, therefore, the responsibility of the soul-winner to be also a school­ master; the patient passion of the fisher of men must be accompanied by the pastoral providence of the shepherd of -souls. The Team method has sometimes been criticized as lacking provision for this aftercare. It is encouraging to know that those who are unhappy about this aspect of teamwork, owe their distress to a conviction that Gosper Teams do succeed in winning souls. By way of meeting these genuine difficulties, it is necessary to con­ sider the aspects of teamwork as they

relate to the question: Where is the convert? If he comes to Christ in a meeting which is merely conducted by a Team in a regular house of prayer, he will forthwith become the responsibility of the church which centers there. If he is a business colleague or neighbor reached in that capacity by a Team drawn from his associates, his aftercare is the immediate busi­ ness of the Team. If he is converted as the result of the labors of an itinerant Team, the position is more difficult. But this is exactly the problem that has faced all pioneers from Paul to the Pilgrim preachers. It may mean setting aside those in the Team for special follow­ up work, or seeking to connect the convert with some nearby church, known to be ttue to God’s Word. Whatever plan is worked out, the aftercare of the convert is all im­ portant and is a vital part of the Team’s work. White Fields Ready In many# lands, men’s, minds. are reaching out in search of a new way of living, a new power of self-con­ trol, a new light of practical ideals. Sorrow and sympathy, danger and duty, have shaken men out of in­ tellectual inertia and selfish anxieties. They are gripped by a great desire to learn how to live. Facing these remarkable opportuni­ ties, perhaps we are satisfied with too little, or we are too busy winning the war to spate a little time, a little energy, a little gift, a little self- sacrifice, for winning souls. Surely, we must do more to grasp the fleeting opportunities of wartime evangelism. With your life yielded in glad abandonment to the Lord Jesus Christ/ will you not adopt a deliberate, pur­ poseful program of spending and be­ ing spent in the work of winning men for Christ in the scope of your every­ day life? Begin with prayer. Pray for your comrades, by name and at large. Pray to be led to meet others who are likeminded. Pray God to raise up a group of keen believers to evangel­ ize your own community, or your place of labor. Then watch for the answer. Watch for opportunities. Watch for sad hearts and seeking souls. Watch for the little signs that reveal Christ’s family likeness in some of your colleagues. Then work. Work at your job to the glory of, God. Scheme and plan and use your imagination rto rouse in your comrades, either curiosity or their sense of" sin and need. And witness: discreetly, boldly, gently, fearlessly. Plurige in with the saving message.

tians; use of facilities provided by others; finance; and delegation of .duties to members, all will need to be carefully considered, clearly de­ cided, and loyally followed. Necessary decisions should be made only after unanimity h&s been secured through frank discussion, prayer, and self- restraint. To have the patience to wait for the Spirit of God to bring about such unanimity is essential. Only ^through their oneness of pur­ pose can the members of a Team show to the world that they have been sent from God (John 17:21). In matters of doctrine, or in differences of opinions, the Court of Appeal is the Holy Scriptures. As in­ dividuals, “in honor preferring one another,” submit to the ruling of that Court, their differences will become a source of strength rather than of weakness. ' Team members should never do Team work on an employer’s time. There should always be respect for managements, and their rqles should be obeyed. On the other hand, un­ warranted interference should be gra­ ciously rejected, and liberty in spirit­ ual things maintained. It is wise to let the first few Team meetings be held privately for prayer and quiet discussion before God. Get to know one another. Do not add un­ advisedly to your numbers; rather let the Lord add to them such as are of one mind with you. Thfoughout it all, let the .object be paramount: to witness for Christ and to see souls saved. Do not consent to be sidetracked, watered down, exalted, patronized, forbidden, reconstituted, or worried. With purpose of heart, with compassion and confidence, go forward for Christ.

Christ Invites YOU

To CONFIDES your lost condition: "The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men... they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no. not one" (Psa. 14:2. 3). To ACCEPT His salvation: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom. 10:13). "Whosoever believeth in him [Christ] shall receive remission of sins" (Acts 10:43). To FELLOWSHIP with Him: *T stand at the door, and knock: if any man... open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20). To LIVE with Him eternally: "I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:3).

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