King's business - 1944-11

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

PROPHECY MONTHLY B O ILED -D OW N H A N D B O O K - W O R LD E Y E N T S and Prophecy-pro­ duced by .Research S taff o f American ,Prophetic League, Inc. Keeps ^you up- to*the,-minute w ith dependable^ infor1* matioh bearing on prophetic develop­ ments. Read around the w orld by Pre-m illennial teachers. On account o f paper allotment, only a few more subscriptions can be accepted this year. Price $1.00. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, Inc. Bex BB, Sfa. Eagle Reck Let Angeles 41, Calif. AGENTS WANTED We need 500 Christian workers to sell our splendid religious line of everyday greet­ ing cards, pencils, stationery, novelties, sacred music, song books, plaques, mot­ tos, Bibles, books and religious merchan­ dise. Good commission. Send for our l^rge free catalog. THE BOONE PUBLISHING CO. P. O. Box 200 Des Moines, Iowa


establish a government of righteous­ ness and peace upon -the earth. Hence, the tidings were of great joy to all people, because they told of the love of God for men and the salvation.God had provided for them. The foundation of that joy is estab­ lished forever. But the experience of the joy depends upon each individu­ al’s personal a c c e p t a n c e of the message “ unto you”—a message con­ cerning a personal Saviour: “unto you is born... a Saviour.” . II. J oy by th e R evelation of C hrist ( H eb . 1:1-4)

and finality, and presents the revela­ tion of God.:. This Son is the heir of all God’s pos­ sessions, the creator of all God’s works, the manifestation of all God’s person, the upholder of all God’s creation,,the redeemer of all God’s peo­ ple, and the ruler of all God’s do­ minions. • The seeking of other reve­ lations of and from God will result only in universal darkness, despair, and death. But he who accepts this revelation from God w ill share the universal joy springing from the Son, the One who supplies satisfaction for the soul, peace for the heart, ahd con­ fidence for the spirit. III. J o y f r o m th e E xperience w ith C hrist (1 J o iy t 1 :l-4 ) The Epistle of F i r s t J o h n was written in Order that believers might have knowledge of Christ that would lead to fellowship with Him, issue in joy in Him, and manifest likeness to Him. The theme of the Epistle is “fellowship,” and its teaching gathers around fellowship with the Father in the Son; fellowship with the Son in the Father; and fellowship with all saints'“ in . the Son manifesting the Father. John’s record is concerning the life, eternal life, which is described as be­ ing Christ Himself. This life in Christ had been’ seen, heard, and handled.' This is the testimony of the most trustworthy of the senses: sight, hear­ ing, and touch. It is not the record of mere vision or imagination. John testifies concerning a reality. The record is given “that your joy may be full.” .It is the joy of faith, or appropriation, the joy o f love, or ap­ preciation, and the joy of hope, or anticipation. Points and Problems 1. "For Unto you is bom this day" (Lk. 2:11). The day of Christ’s- birth was the day of days. It was a day set apart' in the plan of 'God. The pro­ phets had pointed to it. Old Testa­ ment types and ceremonies antici­ pated it. It Was then that God’s ré- demptive clock struck. “When the ful­ ness of the time was come, God sent' forth his Son” (Gal. 4:4). Jesus came at just the right time. This day He

In old times God had spoken “ unto the fathers by the prohets.” In these last days He speaks unto us in His Son. The former speaking was frag­ mentary, at intervals, and the com­ munications were from God. In the Son, God speaks with completeness T h e R e a s o n W h y B y R. A. Laidlaw o f Auckland, N . Z.

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