King's business - 1944-11

November, 1944


ULTNOMAH Schoo l o f the B I B L E Fast growing Bible school ideally located the great Northwest. Capable, devoted faculty; enthusiastic student body. A Bible- Centered curriculum— fully accredited. Tu i­ tion FRE E , expenses low. “ Built W ith Prayer** W rite for Catalog and particulars . Interesting tract, “ Thé Sin of Trying to Be Good“ sent Free to all inquirers. Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President B. B. Sutcliffe, D.D. John G. Mitchell, D.U. Chairman of Truste« Board Vice-President 703 N. E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Ore. F ine Boo By DR. A. I. BROWN

The First Christmas L u ke 2

was born. God has a plan, and by that plan He works unfailingly. 2. "And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger" (Lk. 2:12). What is the “sign” referred to? Doubtless it Was to con­ sist of the remarkable contrast be­ tween what these shepherds had just been told concerning Him who was born, and the humble condition in which they were to find Him. They had been told of a Saviour, of Christ the Lord. They were to find a babe! This warping, prior to their seeing Him, would keep His lowly state from being a stumbling block to them. 3. "God... hath... spoken unto us by his Son" (Heb. 1:1-2).. Adolph Saphir has said, “ All that God has to say unto us is JESUS.” Jesus is ' the living Word. As a word is the ex­ pression of a thought, so the Lord Jesus Christ is the expression to men of God’s heart. In Christ are' em- bddied all God’s promises, gifts, and revealed will. God has nothing to say to men but what He has said through His Son. “This is my beloved Son: hear him” (Lk. 9:35). The atmosphere at Christmastime is charged with good cheer as a June day with the scent of roses. We boarded a trolley cammoving countryward and jammed to the last strap with returning Christmas shop­ pers. AU smiled. It was the Christmas season. The car was late. We came to a crossroad. A ‘young mother with a baby in a carriage came hurrying up. The conductor stamped his gong vigorously and called, “All aboard!” “But the baby carriage has to be folded t o g e t h e r,” said the pretty young mother. “ I’ll attend to that,” said the con­ ductor. “All aboard!” I reached from the vestibule of the car and said, “Let me take your baby.” She looked me over keenly and handed me what seemed to be a large bundle of clothing. As she en­ tered the car smiling, everyone tried to make way for her, to give her a comfortable seat. I handed her the bundle and she began unwrapping it, then she screamed, “You’ve got it wrong side up!” The people laughed. Everyone seemed about as happy as mortals are likely to be. All of this was brought .about because a young mother with a sweet babe had en­ tered the car at Christmastime. That is how the Christmas Babe of Bethlehem came into the midst of this busy world, to soothe and harmonize our spirits made discordant by sin. —The Christian Advocate. Golden Text Illustration L u k e _2:10

MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21):' AIM: To lead the child to Christ as Saviour. APPROACH: tÿhen anything is right to do, it is always better to say “I

will” than to say “I don’t want to.” T o d a y we shall l e a r n what hap­ pened when peo­ ple said, “I will.” LESSON STORY: Long ago, t h e r e was a ruler, like a k i n g, who told people what they

Footprints of God Foreword by Charles M. Stine. This is a really wonderful book Dr. Brown’s best, and should should be in every home ’ and e v e r y library ir. America. Ten chapters covering several s u b ­ jects such as Matter, Life, The Starry Uni­ verse, W ater and Air, Plant L ife, Animal Life, The Human Body, etc. Cloth $1.50

must do. This ruler said that all the men and women must go on certain days to certain cities to pay money for taxes. Joseph and his wife Mary were told to go from their home in Nazareth to the far-away city of Beth­ lehem. Even before they started, Mary was very tired, and Joseph was so busy in his carpenter shop that he did not see how he could make the trip at all. But they knew it was right to go, and they each said, “I will.” The heavenly Father was glad when Joseph and Mary obeyed. He led them to a place to stay in the crowded city of Bethlehem, and gave them beds of sweet hay to rest on. And while they were there, He gave them thé most wonderful gift that anyone ever could receive: the gift of a little Son, the Lord Jesus! How glad Joseph and Mary must have been, then, that the^ had said, “I will” ! But they were not the only onès who said, “I •will.” The Bible tells us, “There wfere in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keep­ ing watch over their flock by night.” The shepherds could have said, “ It is cold here, and we are tired and lonesome.”

Other Books by Dr. Brown MEN , MONKEYS, A N D M ISSING L IN K S Price 25c E V O LU TIO N A N D T H E BLOOD P R E C IP I­ T A T IO N TE S T Price 25c MUST YOUNG P E O P L E B E L IE V E IN EVO - £ LU TIO N Price 25c GOD’S C R E A T IV E FO RE THOUGH T God and You Wonders of the Human Body A book o f thirteen chapters taking up numerous parts and phases of the human body; and showing how won­ derfully man was made by the All-w ise Designer. . Cloth $1.2! FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH PUBLISHERS FINDLAY, OHIO Erice 35c

M e a s jo t C h t is t » ia s j ■ Publications below all sent on approval. Low cost and high quality account for popularity. Appeal to all denominations. Catalog free. SILENT NIGHT— Brand new story-cantata for Ladies* voices by Haldor lillenas, sparkling with‘two-, three- and four-part choir gems. Excellent speaking parts for narrator. Not difficult. Each 40c; a dozen, $4*00, postpaid. PEACE ON EARTH— Just off the press. Appealing, high type songs, recitations, and exercises that children of all ages will enjoy. Choice materials for a complete Sunday school Christmas program. Each 10c; a dozen, $1.00, postpaid. CHRISTMAS CAROLS NEW and OLD— Words and music; 57 numbers, new and old, of 6 nations. The carol book unsurpassed in quality, com­ pleteness and popularity. Each 25c; a dozen $2.50, postpaid.

Write for FREE Catalog / CHRISTMAS PROGRAM BUILDER No. 1— Every alert program director needs a copy. A source book of choice readings,, exercises, acrostics, solos and songs for groups. Ideal for school or church programs. 56 pages, size 6x9 inches. Each 35c, postpaid. Order today from your bookstoro or dtroct from tho pubfish&rt ☆ LILLENAS PUBLISHING CO. 2923*CD TROOST AV.

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