King's business - 1944-11

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

SERVICE For Men in and Others too! _ _____ „ ________ ; N EW TRACTS . . . Appealing messages of amazing power. Beautifully printed in ^ national colors. True soul-winners. Popular in camps and Overseas. Samples FREE. v* Order NOW— have on hand when needed. "P* Only 8 c a doz.; 50c a 100. W rite today. FaSihr Prayer & Tract League u Dept. KB2, Muskegon Heights, Mich. ^ You Are Invited to Open Your Thrift Account with EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY C. O. ANDERSON, Mgr. Interest Compounded Semiannually Phone: PL. 23151 O wen ' s P alestine M a p ] . . . in THIRD Dimension '■ Size 3 ft. 3V4 in. wide x 3 ft. 5 in. high ; I Printed in 7 colors on extra heavy map ! stock, cloth backed. Securely mounted • on finished mahogany mouldings with j appropriate hangings. A startling innovation in map making! j Gives the effect o f an airplane view o f ; the Holy Land with valleys, mountains, J cities, rivers, roads, etc. Unique and un- ! rivalled in scientific, historic and geo- 1 graphic accuracy. Unparalleled for ] university classes, study groups and ] private uses. Acclaimed by Experts i “ The finest o f its kind I have ever seen” ! — Dr. Daniel A. Poling. “ Your three j dimension map sc? striking can hardly ; wait to get it on my office wall’ ’—Lowell ! Thomas. “ I can attest its accuracy in ! detail” —William Foxwell Albright. AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE Five color lithographed information ] chart, 18 x 22 in., free with map. Both ; for $4.00 postpaid. Special price in ! quantities. Circular Free—Wrife TODAYI BEACON HILL PRESS j Dept. ^ 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City 10, Mo. 6226 S. VERMONT AVE. LOS ANGELES 44, CALIF.

which is revealed in believers in that they are called the sons of God. The world is 'ignorant of what Christians really are; only God knows, and'He has declared it. The “hope”, is that believers will be at last, in their practical state, what they now are in their perfect stand­ ing. The state w ill measure before men what the standing measures be­ fore God. Now they are sons of God, and they shall be like Christ in all particulars. The assurance that this hope will be fulfilled is that they “shall see him as he is.” Every one who has th is ' hope in him, that is, in the Lord Jesus Christ, seeks the purity that inheres in Christ. The very fact that a Christian, purifies himself is the proof that the hope is within. Points and Problems 1. "When Jesus came into the coasts (borders) of Caesarea Philippi" (Matt. 16:13).’ This place to which Jesus took His disciples was an ideal place for such an important conference as that which He had planned for them. It is located at the base of Mt. Hermon. Springing waiters burst forth every­ where to form the headwaters of the Jordan. Great rocks are scattered all over the landscape. There, beneath the surface of the ground is the bed­ rock. Thus in nature there-was pre­ sent everything necessary for the im­ agery- suggested in verse 18. 2. "Upon this rock I will build my church" (v. 18). This is the first men­ tion of the New Testament church in the Scriptures.‘ Usually when some great doctrine or institution is first mentioned^ in the Word of God, there is found in condensed forih in this first appearance all that will later be unfolded. So it is here with respect to the church. Concerning the church

we have: its builder, “I”; its founda-* tion, “will build” ; “this rock” ... Christ; its owner, “my church” ; its en­ durance, “shall not prevail against it,” and also its character, “churfch” ■( a called-out body). 3. "The gates of hell shall not pre- vail against it" (v. 18). Some of the problem as to the meaning of these words is solved when we understand the significance of “gates” in Biblical times. The gate of the city was the place where the elders sat, and where business was transacted. It was the place where laws were interpreted and enforced. “The gates of hell” refer to all the powers and connivings of Satan to overthrow the church of God. Satan may e n a c t laws and lead governments in ways opposed to God, but even so the church shall endure. 4. "But grow in grace" (2 Pet. 3:18). It does not say “grow into grace.” No one can do that. Only God can plant the soul into the garden of His grace. He does this in response to personal faith (Eph. 2:8). But after God has planted the soul into His garden, it is the privilege and responsibility of that soul to grow “in” the grace into which it has been planted. An old S c o t c h m a n was forging anchor chains in a New England v il­ lage. His rule was: “Seven links a day and each link the anchor of a thousand souls.” By and by, a new process used by others was proposed to this sturdy Scotchman—“ten links a day and safe.” Others might—not he! The Scotchman “slippet awa” and was forgotten, but he lived in his anvil chains on through the years. A large ship is plowing its \vay across the deep and a great storm with its relentless waves is upon it. Sharp and clear comes the command, “Cast out the reserve anchor.” Over the side it goes with its great anchor chain following. The anchor holds, the chain grows taut—and then, under the weight of an oncoming billow, it snaps like a thread. A second anchor does the same. “Cast out the r^erve anchor,” the captain calls again, and a third great chain glides into the'seething waters. It stands the strain; it holds and the twelve hundred souls on board are saved from the sea. It is the chain of the sturdy old Scot. “Seven links a day and each link the anchor of a thousand souls.” Thy life work is an anchor chain— skimp not its links, lest someone trust­ ing t h e m sink in sin. Let abun­ dance of labor be your motto; not too many links, nor too many chains, but each forged to stand the strain of the Golden Text Illustration , 1 C o r in t h ia n s 15:58



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