King's business - 1944-11


November, 1944

"I Would Not Take $1,000 for The One I have!" The reference was to THE SURE WORD OF* -PROPHECY, Which contains the principal ad­ dresses given at the now historic and epoch-making First New York Congress on Prophecy, 1942. It is the last word on pres­ ent day events, given by some of the most beloved Bible teachers in America. / Rarely does a book sell into the thousands, before publication, and yet this book did that very thing. From a friend who re­ ceived the book only a few days ago came this striking testimony: “ i have enjoyed THE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY very much, and l think that it is by long odds the best book to send to those who are not yet convinced that there is any­ thing in the whole subject. I am therefore enclosing my check and I am asking you to send the pook to the two friends whose names and addresses l am now giving you.” Another brother wrote, “If I could not get another copy of THE SURE WORD OF PROPH­ ECY, I would not take $1,000.00 for the one I have. It is one of the most remarkable books I have ever read.” Here are some of the speakers whose addresses appear in the book:—John W. Bradbury, W. H. Rogers, William Ward Ayer, Lewis Sperry Chafer, C. Gordon Brownville, Harry A. Ironside, Albert G. Johnson, Howard W. Ferrin, Louis S. Bauman, John F. Walvoord, Joseph Hoffman Cohn, Harris H. Gregg. Here are some of the subjects treated:— How Shall We Interpret The Bible?; Christ Above All In Prophecy; What Will God Do With This Cosmos?: The Future Con­ federation of the Ten Nation Empire; The Unfinished Program of the Son of Man; A Shout, A Voice and A Trump; Why The Church Will Not Go Through The Great Tribulation; Is The Church Ever Called Israel?; Daniel’s Seventy Weeks; Is God Through With The Jews?; The Right of the Jews to Palestine. A veritable encyclo­ pedia on eschatology, in one volume, by men trusted and loved the world over. Enough said! The price Is $2.00 per copy. Buy for yourself, and then give out to your friends; a marvelous testimony for these last days. ■ ■■ mm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m a ■ ■ m •Dear Friends: Here is $2.00; please send me a copy of THE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY. I also add a gift of $_____ ____ as my fel­ lowship with you in youd world-wide min­ istry of the Gospel to Israel.

The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. “ Unto him that loved, us, and washed us from our sins in his own. blood“ (Rev. 1:5).

THE KING'S BUSINESS ' ™ v Marine’s Thanksgiving —Meredith Carr. ..................................»................. ..356 Current Business -¿-Editorial ____ ________ ...... ,c'............... .......357 . ’ ■.■•.’sii ■, ! - ■ . \ - Thankful for Each Other —A. JV. Toner.. ___________......__ __ ______ 358 Blessing or Blundering — Clarence F. Stauffer... .............. ........... ............. ...359 How to Make Teamwork Count— L t. Marshall B. Shallis ...................... ....361 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker. ............................ ..........».__...363 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box.............................. ............. .................................365 Biola Family............................................ .......................................................»...366 International Lesson Commentary..»........................ i____ ........____ _____ .367 Christian Endeavor —Herman J. Baerg, Jack Green, Florence B. Allensworth, Patricia K. Lokkesmoe, C. Richard Hillis .................... 380 Daily Devotional Readings............................................ ...................... ............386 Literature T able......................... » ................................................ .............. 389 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — “ The K in g’s Business” is published monthly; J$1.50, one yr.; $2.00, two yrs.; 75 cents, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Canadian and for- .eign subscriptions 25 cents ¿xtra. It requires one month for a change of ad­ dress to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCE —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The K in g’s Business.” Date of expiration w ill show plainly on outside wrapper or cover o f magazine. ADVERTISING —For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, Calif., or our eastern' representative, Religious . Press Association, 51 No. 52nd St., Philadelphia 39, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS — “ The K in g's Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class m atter November 7, 1938, at the Post O ffice at Los An­ geles, California, under the A ct o f March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate o f postage provided for in the A ct o f February 28, 1925, embodied in para­ graph 4, section 538, P. L . and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The K in g’s Business, 558 So.,Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief MILDRED M. COOK, Managing Editor RANSOM D. MARVIN, Staff Artist


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AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS 31 Throop Ave. Brooklyn 6, N. V. 39 King William |St„ Hamilton, Ont*. Can.

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