King's business - 1944-11

November, 1944

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out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowl­ edge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). DECEMBER 24, 1944 THE STAR OF PROM ISE M atthew 2:1-10 By Patricia Kelso Lokkesmoe A star of promise shone through the darkness that followed the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. It was the only ray of ,hope to fallen man separated from God by his disobedience. To the man God had said: ‘‘Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt-thou eat of it all the days of thy life.” To the woman He had said: ‘‘In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” For them both it was necessary .that the Lord God send them forth from the garden; It meant sorrow and separation from God, but God, in His mercy, made a promise—a promise that one day He would send a Redeemer who would bridge the gulf between . God and man. The time that elapsed before, that promise was fulfilled was long, but one day God’s clock struck, and a group of wise men followed a star that led them to One of whom it was said, “Thou s h a l t call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).. I. THE PROMISE GIVEN. “I-will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall, bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise' his heel” (Gen. 3:15). Enmity between thè seed of Satan and the seed of the woman has existed since the day when God pro­ nounced the curse, and it will exist until the day when "the devil that deceived them” shall be “cast into the lake of fir e ... and shall be tor­ mented day and night for ever and ever” (Rev. 20:10). Before then, how­ ever, the Seed of the woman must be bruised, and from the moment that God made thàt promise He began a work that wasn’t completed until He had paid the tremendous price of His own Son, that He might buy back“ to Himself His own created possession. This was done “ not with corruptible things, as silver and gold . . . But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and with­ out spot: Who verily was fore­ ordained before the foundation of the world” (1 Pet. 1:18-20). II. THE PROMISE SUSTAINED. Again and again God spoke through His servants and prophets, so that hope in that Promise was so imbedded For Those Who Have Topics

in the hearts of men that even after hundreds of years, Malachi could say: “The Lord whom ye seek, shall sud­ denly come to his temple” (Mai. 3:1). God started a line with Abraham (Gen. 12:2), and never once did He allow that line to be broken. Many times He had reason to give them up, for they were a "disobedient and gainsaying people,” but God is faith­ ful, and cannot go back on His promises. There were times, too, when man’s faith was tried, and hope seemed gone (cf. 2 Chron. 22:10-12).

The ideal sift for children, also attractive holi­ day home decoration. Sixteen cut-out scenes and figures, (Stable, Holy Family, Shepherds, Star, Wise Men, etc.) printed in rich color on sturdy, washable, fibre board. Beautifully' portrays the Christmas scene and makes the story live. Packed in attractive gift box. Price $1.50-^ (Retail orders filled, $1.50). liberal discount to agents, socie­ ties, dealers. Send only $1.00 for sample set and full information on our complete money-making agent’s line. Satisfaction guaranteed, w rite to­ day. C. W. BOYER CO., Dept. KB, »101 Wind­ sor Rd., Dayton 5, Ohio.



FOR PRIVA TE CORY? “All that I have gone through out here will be worth it if I can get back to Wheaton."

Thus wrote Private Lloyd Cory, war- absent student from Wheaton Col­ lege now fighting for his country in the South Pacific. But will there be room for Private Cory, when he re­ turns? Wheaton College is now finding it necessary to turn away young men and women. How then are they going to provide for the hundreds of “Private Corys" who will be looking to us when “it is over, over there"? The answer is in the generous stew­ ardship of God’s people. A larger dining hall and more dormitory facil­ ities are needed immediately. In ad­ dition we need a library building, a science hall, and a music hall. You are invited to share in meeting these needs. Write for our booklet, "An Eternal Investment." 1

Pfc. Lloyd Cory Is the son of Victor E. Cory, president of Scripture Press, publishers of Sunday School material.


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