King's business - 1944-11


THE- K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Conclusion When we remember His birthday this Christmas, let us endeavor, -•as never before, to present Christ to a needy world. Men’s hearts, in which the Star of Promise has never shone, are failing them for fear, and they celebrate His birthday witl) pomp and sham, ignoring the only One' who can replace that fear with perfect peace. May those of us who know Him be faithful in presenting Him to a lost and dying world. He came to “save his pèbplë from their sins,” and it. is only through Him, God’s Star of Prom­ ise, that men can find forgiveness for their sins, and have restored fe l­ lowship with God. It has riot been a good year for the world. It has been a mess. However, the world is made up of some two billion individuals. Let us just take one of them and be real personal. Has it been a good ybar for you? You say, “I don’t know just how* tò answer that." Perhaps I can help you. You tell me about your love affairs during the year, and I’Jl tell you whether it has been a good year. Love is a wonderful thing when you love thè right person. It leads to tragedy when you love the wrong one. This has been a good year if your first love has been Jesus Christ. It has been a good year if you have put Jésus Christ first. He asks that you put Him first. He put you first. Because He loved you and me, He left his heavenly home and Father, and came and died for 1 us. If wë had not sinned, He would not have died; then we put Him .to death. As He has done more for us than any­ one else, we should love Him more than anyone else. Examinations please! We never get through with them. Let us just end the year with a little heart examina­ tion. David 'had one when he said: “Search me, O God, and: know my hedrt” . (Psa. 139:23). Shall we let Him search our heart and examine it by His Word? All right, here are the questions! For Those Who Have Topics I. HAVE I PUT OTHERS AHEAD OF CHRIST? In Luke 14:26 (read it), Jesus says that I must love Him ahead of every relationship. Have l? Has He-had first place? Have I put Him ahead "of parents, friends, and companions? DECEMBER 31, 1944 HAS THIS BEEN A GOOD YEAR? P s a l m 65:11-13; 90:11-17 By Dick Hillis

III. THE PROMISE FULFILLED. A mother n u r s e s a Babe in a humble barn; shepherds hear “tidings of great joy” ; wise men follow a star; and God’s promise is fulfilled. The magnitude of what was wrought that ' day, only God knew! In that Babe He was giving to the world the only way back to Himself, and the joy that the wise men experienced when they be­ held the star (Matt. 2:10), has been multiplied a. million t i m e s in. the hearts of men as they have them­ selves beheld the Star of Promise, the Lord Jesus, and have accepted Him as their Redeemer. Has the Star of Promise been ful­ filled in your heart. If not, why not? The Lord’s promise in Revelation 3:20 is true today: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: i f any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will comev in to him.”

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