King's business - 1944-11


November, 1944

11. Blessed Offensive “When he is come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). Those who follow the Warrior-Lamb do not need to seek out the weakly defended places; they are ready to assault’ the strongest point in the enemy’s line. As they move on to the attack, “the fear and dread” of them fall upon the men of the world. We are reminded of the dispatch of Mar­ shal Foch before the first battle of the Marne: “My right is giving way, my center is in confusion, the situa­ tion is excellent; 1 am. attacking.” —David M. McIntyre. A Sure Basis “For we know that, if our earthly house . . . were dissolved, we have a building of God . . . eternal in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5:1). God gave unto us the earnest of the Spirit which points the way onward 12.

7. A Dedicated Will “I delight to do thy w ill” (Psa. 40:8). God does not hold us responsible for what we feel, but for what we will. Let us not live in the summer­ house Of emotion, but in the central citadel of thè will, wholly yielded and devoted to God . . . Life has to be faced in the grimy counting-house, the dingy shop, the noisy factory, the godless workroom. . . . Look up and say: “My God, in my heart of hearts, in my will, I am as devoted, as loyal, as in the blessed moment of unbroken retirement at Thy feet.” This is an offering with which God is well pleased.—F. B. Meyer. For Love's Sake “She hath done what she could” (Mk. 14:8). A child offered a teacher a handful of weeds and grasses, wilted and soiled, and said, “Here is a bouquet for you.” The teacher saw the love in the child’s eyes and accepted the gift with sincere gratitude . . . So it is that Christ receives the gifts and services of those who love Him. The gifts may be worthless, and the ser­ vice may avail nothing; but for the love that prompts them, He accepts them with real gladness, and richly rewards them.—J. R. Miller. Through the Cloud “Is any among you afflicted? let him pray . . . and the Lord shall raise him up” (Jas. 5:13, 15). The cloud that seemed so dull and gray * ^ Is laden, bringing answered prayer; Henceforth “be not dismayed” nor fear; Faith sees the “substance” all the way. The cloud has been to thee God’s test, ' And will disperse as on you go; The rainbow’s in the cloud; look up, And see God work for you His best. —Nellie A. Moyes. Prayer's Approach “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do” (John 14:13). When praying,* be definite; don’t insult the Father by vague ramblings, but ask for what you want. Approach the Father as a son—not as a slave or servant. You are His child, He is your loving Father; you love Him and are free and happy in His presence. Talk plainly with Him, open your heart, lay your desire before His eyes and make your case clear. Then clinch it by making your wor­ thy claim in the name of His Son. —The Evangel. 8. 9. 10.

The Russian Fields A r e White to Harvest “I will sell my horse and give my whole time to the Lord’s work,” said a Russian Christian, seeing the need of Gospel work­ ers among Russians. Every available space in his little house is used fo r Sunday School classes, and his Gospel meetings are crowded to overflowing. W ill you help with your gifts to 'set this brother free for full-time Gospel work and to send out more laborers into the har­ vest? I f you can send a regular monthly support,., we shall be happy to give you the name o f a Russian missionary as your own representative on the . Field. Send something toward their support anyway. The Friend of Russians, telling about our work, w ill be sent free for any contribu­ tion, small or large. Address; Russian Missionary Society,

1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago 12, 111. In Canada: 106 Winnett Ave., Toronto 10, Ont. Rev. F. J. Miles, International Secretary. |

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