King's business - 1944-11

November, 1944

L i terature Table

JESUS IS COMING! Would You Like to Know When? Where? Why? Read i LARKIN'S "SECOND COM ING” 9 glorious chapters 8 understandable charts This grand book FREE ,with 1 or 2 years’ subscription to this fast-growing Gospel monthly, THE SOUL WINDER Messages by Radio’s Dr. Walter A. Maler (Lutheran Hr.) Dr. Percy Crawford (Y.P.C.A.) Dr. M. R. DeHaan (Radio Bible Class) Dr. John R. Rice (author, editor) Subs. 1 yr. $1; 2 yrs. only $1.50 S O U L W I N N E R P .,0 .' Box l 7 ,: Roanoke I, Virginia SECOND HAND| JUST ISSUED. FREE UPON : TIN No. 247. -Oveç 1500 Religious and Theological Books at 50 cents1each or 6 fo r'$2.50. SCHULTE'S. BOOK STORE 80 and 82 Fourth Ave., New York City GOSPEL SOUND FILMS (16mm motion pictures with'sound) Scriptures Visualized films, are helping pastors and evangelists attain' a mor&'effective ministry. They can do the same, for you.. What the Films Are Doing— starting genuine revivals; leading children, young people and adults to the Lord Jesus Christ; increasing interest and attendance in church and Sunday vSchool* Free Preview Service— u y0u have not seen a. Scriptures Visualized film but have access to a 16 mm suunu projector, you may easily see one* Write us about ;our convenient preview-, service. Projection Equipment— We can help you get the sound projector and screen most suitable for your needs, at reasonable prices* Write us for particulars. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS 325 W. Huron St. Chicago 10, 111.

Peter— The Man Jesus Made By Hillyer Hawthorne Straton

ful for meditation, for memorization, or for Scripture games. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Price 50 cents.

Too often we remember the weak points in the life-of-the spokesman of the Twelve. Read this volume and you will appreciate the part this Christ- made man had in the establishment of the church and in the formation of its theology. The author shows that, in spite of Peter’s denial o f the Lord, he was among the bravest of men, daring through faith to preach and live for Christ in a hostile world. 147 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price 51.00. Morning Flight By Paul' Hutchens Havihg made a trip to Cuba to in­ spect missionary activities there, Paul Hutchens returned with a story of marked fascination. He explains: “We have endeavored to picture mission­ ary'work in Cuba as it-really ;is . . .' I am in love with the Pearl of the Antilles.” -In the story, Arloa Chadwich was called to the mission field, and she obeyed that call though it-meant surrendering her love" for Jerry Gray­ son, the son of a rich merchant and her playmate in childhood. Her moth­ er died; her father opposed her; mys­ tery surrounded her own existence. But she followed : Christ and "was greatly rewarded. 184 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.', Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. With Christ in a Shell Hole By C. Gordon Brownville Dr. Brownville preaches each Sun­ day in Boston to large numbers of servicemen and women who visit his congregation. He began to include in his sermons certain réferences to ex­ periences of his own during World War I. The young people asked for more, and as a—result the messages included in this book were delivered. •This is a remarkable series. It unites historical facts with present-day at­ titudes and experiences and brings them all under the light of tlie Word of God. The Lord blessed the spoken word to the salvation of many souls. Surely the reading of these chapters —-so searching in their content and powerful in their appeal—will result in similar harvest. f39 pages. Zon­ dervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. Daily Manna Promise Box Here are about 200 cards of various colors, I % x 2 % inches, each printed with a Scripture verse and a four-line stanza of poetry. They would be use­

A Doctor Carries On By Thomas A. Lambie

Dr. Lambie became a citizen of Ethi­ opia that he might be an adviser and physician to H. I. H. Haile Selassie while carrying on his missionary work in that land. When the Italians over­ ran that country and the rulers were compelled to flee for their lives, tne same fate befell the doctor. He re­ turned to the United States and wrote A Doctor without a Country. However, when the first opportunity came to return to the heart o f Africa, the author went back. This present volume is a record of his timé in the United States, of the, act of Congress to restore, to him his American citizen­ ship, of his work as field director of the Sudan Interior Mission in the Egyptian Sudan, and of why he did not return immediately to the land of Ethiopia. The book is most interesting, not only as an addition to the missionary literature of the church, but also for the sidelights it throws upon the Brit­ ish campaign that led to the capture of all of North Africa. The style is personal, dramatic, and moving. 173 pages. Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. Cloth. Price $2. [ C on tin u ed from. P a ge 360] will relieve him of the fear of your remaining longer than he feels able to have you stay! It will also enable him to talk without effort or turning on his side. It is not necessary to walk on tiptoes in the -sick room, but one should move about quietly and grace­ fully. Be careful not to kick the bed when entering or leaving the room. When a. patient is in traction, there are all kinds of protruding gadgets which must be avoided. Do not lean or sit on the bed. A slight jar may cause discomfort to,the patient. 5. Never argue. Avoid controver­ sial questions which may excite' the patient and cause his temperature to rise. Sometimes it may be necessary to disagree with a patient, but this must be done gently, without debate. Frequently hospital nurses h a v e to r e q u e s t religious visitors to leave the wards because they excite and upset the patients. 6 . Choose appropriate Scripture. As a rule the Christian worker will not BLESSING OR BLUNDERING

Gold Frankincenseand Myrrh W e secured from Palestine, just before the w ar started, a novelty, Symbolic, o f what the W ise Men brought to the young child Jesus Christ as gifts. T w o small boxes, one containing genuine myrrh, the other genuine frankincense; then a Palestinian coin, .one mil, polished to im itate gold. Fine for Sun­ day school children and to give to the Hom e Department. L a st Christmas many Sunday schools bought these mementoes in quantities,, and w e received reports of how much joy these little presents brought. The price for the combination is 50 cents. In quantities of 25 or more, 40 cents per combination. Address American Board of Missions to the Jews, Ine. 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn 6, New York

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