King's business - 1944-11

November, 1944



And Get This Book Besides God Saved the Breivefc Boy

Subscribers to the KING’S BUSINESS receive articles like the following: Seven Babies and Christ- mas. Have you ever wondered what you would do if you had ai houseful of children, the oldest only s^x, with Christ­ mas coming? Doris Coffin Aldrich knows from ence. She will enlighten inspire you by her motherli- ness. * • Will Your Home Be Hap* pier in 1945? William F. Mc­ Dermott, the brilliant Chris­ tian journalist,, makes some straightforward observations. As Religious Editor Of the Chicago Daily News and con­ tributor to some of the nation’s largest magazines, he writes with power. , • Continual Victory: Is It Possible? This is a question that many are asking, and here is a penetrating answer by the beloved Ruth Paxson. • * • God with Us. one of the few remaining editors of the Scofield Reference B i b 1e__ W, L. Pettingill—discusses the subject in a profound exposi­ tion, • Ch ristian s A re A sleepJ Dan E. L. Patch, a Chief of Police in Michigan, under­ stands thoroughly the juve­ nile delinquency problem be­ cause he must deal with it. His startling article reveals some forgotten causes. • Ten Times O ver Berlin. Twenty-year-old Tech. S g t . Robert Phillips was a shy Christian at home. But he prayed that God would save his crew on a B-17, and lived through some breath-taking experiences while God an­ swered that prayer. This per­ sonal testimony is typical of other articles to come.

Read about this Australian home

8 0 p a s « ILLUSTRATED

LOUIS T. TALBOT’S life .story, which has appeared serially in the KING’S BUSINESS magazine, is being published in a beautifully illus­ trated book. Laughs . . . tears . . . encouragement are in every chfepter. “It magnifies the grace of God,” writes H. A. Ironside, pastor of famed Moody Church, Chicago. A limited number of these books will be printed. First consideration will be given to persons who subscribe to the KING’S BUSINESS, the Bible Family Monthly issued by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, of which Dr. Talbot is President. Book FREE with 2 two-year subscriptions at $2 each ($4 for all). This offer saves you $3, since regular price of magazine alone is $1.50 for ONE year, in U.S.* Subscriptions and book sent as Christmas gifts, if desired. Gift cards sent in your name when requested, iq'time for Christmas.

THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

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