King's business - 1944-11

November, 1944


Cu rren t Business LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief

Young Soul-winner Students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are being equipped not only with a knowledge of the Wor.d for use upon the completion of their courses, but now—while they are still in train­ ing—they are used of the Lord in win­ ning souls. Thé following incident demonstrates this fact, and it also illustrates a truth that cannot be emphasized too often: that childlike obedience, and faith in Christ will solve the problems of any age. L a s t summer, approximately 200 students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles helped in Daily Vacation Bible Schools. One of them, the teach­ er of a kindergarten class, had six- year-old, red-headed Bobby in h e r group. One day when recess time came, Bobby refused to go out to play. Asked why he had made this decision, he said, “ I want to stay here and have you show me how to let the Lord Jesus into my heart.” With great gladness, the teacher ex­ plained simply the Bible facts about sin and salvation. She stressed the point that Bobby must really mean it if he asked Jesus to become his SavioUr. After they had talked and prayed together, the boy was satisfied, and he ran outdoors to join his friends. In the memory period that followed, Bobby sat beside Jerry, the school’s “problem boy.” “Hey,” Bobby whispered, “why didn’t you stay in at recess and let the Lord Jesus come into your heart?” “Why, I don’t know. Were we sup­ posed to?” “ No,” informed the y o u n g soul- winner, “ but I should think you would wont to.” ■“I guess I really do,” answered Jerry slowly. “But it’s too late now. Be­ cause today’s the last day, and there won’t be any more recess.” “ But you can do it any time,” Bobby persisted, “even right now.” Jerry started to bow his head, and then looked up and asked: “What am I supposed to say?” “Just say,' ‘Lord Jesus, I want You to forgive my sins and come into my heart.’ ” Eight there, Jerry prayed that prayer aloud, unaware of others around him. "Did you really mean it?" Bobby wanted to know. “Yes, I really did.” “After school,” the teacher com­ ments, “Jerry came to me and told me that he. had let the Lord Jesus come into his heart that day, being quite

unconscious of the fact that I had heard and seen the whole transaction. And -what is more, since then he has even acted better!” May God make us more childlike in our responses to Him and to others. The Christian Home Loren S. Hanna, who spent many years as a missionary in Thailand, points out that a great Christian lead­ er in the Orient was converted in a strange way: He used to peek into the home of a Christian family, and the love, peace, patience, and thought­ fulness that ruled that home caused’ him to accept Christ. If this test were applied to every so-called Christian home, one wonders what the results would be. Dan Crawford, who spent many years in labor for the Lord in Africa, rescued scores of Africans who had been carried off for the slave trade, and established them in Christian homes. He used to say that unless Christ was pre-eminent in a home, it was not truly a home, but just a house with people living in it. We go further and suggest that a home in which there is no family worship can scarcely be called a Chris­ tian home, though each, member of the family is' a professing believer in Christ. America needs, at this Thanks­ giving season, to give new attention to this means of grace that has been so largely forgotten in the nation. Goodness of God "I am frankly embarrassed every day by the goodness of God and the kindness of His people.” This sentence, which occurred in a personal letter recently received- i n THE KING’S BUSINESS office, e x - presses a great truth, but one that, too often, is held in obscurity. Hpw often are we conscious of the lavishness of His benefits? At the Bible Institute of Los Ange­ les, the goodness of God is b e i n g abundantly manifested. It is evi­ denced in the student body—the largest in the history of the school— and in the eagerness and consecration of these 650 young people. It is re­ vealed in the cordial interest that has attended Dr. Talbot’s ministry in the Middle-West: in Chicago, Minne­ apolis, and surrounding cities where he has spent a month in special meet­ ings. It is shown in “ the kindness of His people,” for they, under God, make possible the school’s world-encircling ministry. “ Oh how great is thy good­ ness” (Psa. 31:19),

I PRAISE piM By M. $. Fletcher The way I so is sometimes in the sunshine. And light and gladness everywhere are found. I praise for all the beauty that surrounds me, I praise for skies so clear and blue above me. And in my heart God’s love. And then my way at times is in the shadows, Clouds roll up quickly, blotting out the sun. Instead of beauty all seems dim and cheerless, And yet I walk in quiet peace, and fearless— There in my heart God’s love. And many times, may be, I walk In trouble— Nothing but storm and tempest all around— Grave doubts and fears my heart and flesh assailing. And yet so very near walks One, unfailing, Whose peerless name is Love. And He has promised ever to be with me, Never to fail, and never to forsake. Sending each day a gracious glad reviving; His presence, ever with me in my striving, Shall perfect me in grace.

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