in droves, in the atypical setting of a restau- rant built in the family home, full of poetry at nightfall. Fabrice Shen is a self-taught, gene- rous and friendly chef. His style is fish! The tone is set! Shrimps and fish with all kinds of sauces, with a preference for brochettes. The products are fresh, tasty and perfectly cooked. Would you like to extend this moment of convi- viality around a wood fire? Welcome to Fish Style. Fabrice Shen: As a hunter and fisherman, I used to prepare meals for my friends. As there were more and more people, I asked my parents if I could build a small carbet to recei- ve my guests. They agreed, so my friends from the neighbourhood and I built what was to become the Fish Style. Little by little I took the necessary training to open a restaurant. I have been working with Native Americans since I was a child. I also wanted to transpose here the cultural elements that are specific to them.
When we go into the forest together, we just take along some kwak, salt and lemon. We fish, we make a Amerindian barbecue, and that's it. Leaves become plates. At Fish Style: wooden plates, gourds, sweet potato fries, then the choice of fish and shellfish, because few people know about their incredible diversi- ty, in French Guiana, whether they are fresh- water or marine, their flesh is of great finesse. I enjoy promoting this natural heritage of wild animals in the restaurant. The acoupa is an exceptional fish; I also really like the flesh of the grouper in terms of cooking, this mixture of finesse and firmness, with a little fat. As far as vegetables are concerned, we work with organic farmers. I try to be consistent in quali- ty and to progress regularly. More than cooking for my guests, I want to share with them a philosophy, a state of mind of sharing and poetry. Insta : @fish_style_
~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - 2023 ~
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