Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine N°42

Edith Cochet: E-com was born out of a long- held desire to help build other people's pro- jects by doing what I love.

Class & Relax : What is your area of expertise?

Edith Cochet : We specialise in the organisation of protocol events, thanks to the experience I gained when I was Director of Communica- tions at the French Guiana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as in commu- nications strategy consultancy specific to the development of the region. We don't work for companies that launch industrial consumer products, we are sensitive to companies that create added value. For example, we worked with the C.C.O.G. (Communauté de Communes de l'Ouest Guyanais): we produced their gra- phic identity, a communications campaign to promote and implement this new identity and the creation of their website. We have done a lot of work for the O.T.C.L. (Office du Tourisme du Centre Littoral), both in terms of communi- cations and event organisation. We also work on the logistical organisation of seminars and conferences. We managed a conference for the International Office for Water and a seminar for the Amazonian Park. More recently, we hel- ped organise the F.R.B.T.P. (Fédération Réunionnaise du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics) conference. When it comes to organising large-scale events, we have an address book that enables us to react quickly and find people with highly specialised, high-level profiles for the control room, sound, lighting and speakers. Sometimes we have to find translators, and that's not easy in French Guiana. Most of the time we get them from neighbouring coun- tries, or even from Europe. Accuracy, responsiveness and availability are our strengths, so that we can quickly provide clear answers to our customers' requirements. It's a requirement we share, and one that has made E-Com's reputation: this year, we had the privilege of organising greetings from the President of the CNES and the Director of the Guiana Space Centre.


~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - 2023 ~

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