King's Business - 1913-01


THE KING’S BUSINESS The Inner Emptiness

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H e rs o h e ? L I J t Se ®^ l lgned to Iead to tbat conviction. So said John mndt ™!i , 2? had more riSht to speak here, “All human discoveries seem to be %feaH[B§§ PUI? ose of confirming more and more strongly the truths con

Back to the Gospel O NE of the most hopeful signs of the times is the wide-spread feeling that e x ists among ministers of the Gospel in every part of the country th lt we have thor- aufht w rififn0Ut the.s°‘called “New Evangelism” and found it utterly wanting , and *5?* there must be a return to the old time methods of Finney Moodv onat°tlle£SfiWlu

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