The incredible breadth and range of hobbies and societies on offer at Dulwich College were enjoyed by hundreds of students, despite the challenges of lockdown
Amjad Khan (Year 12)
It has been a privilege and a pleasure to run Aspiring Engineers Society. I have learned so much, not only from our guest speakers (who have been kind enough to dial- in from around the world and share their knowledge and expertise), but also from the act of sourcing the speakers in the first place. This society has furthered my understanding of engineering and has developed my communication skills when approaching professionals. However, the satisfaction of organising informative talks that could spark new areas of interest for students is reward enough.
Attendee – Rafael Ramos (Year 9)
‘I thoroughly enjoy the Aspiring Engineers Society meetings that Amjad has put together for us this term. Despite the difficulties of being online he has managed to get some really fascinating people to talk to us and as a consequence I’ve learnt a significant amount about the workplace of engineers and what it is like to work among some of the brightest minds in all areas of engineering. Every week I look forward to our meetings where I get given the chance to ask whatever I want to some really interesting people. I find this incredibly rewarding.’
Sameer Khalil (Year 12) BIOMED SOCIETY
Over the last term, BioMed Society has continued to run for Year 12 students, every Tuesday lunchtime at 1:50. We have arranged talks from students, hosted films and documentaries, as well as organised a rat dissection! This term we are hoping to continue our efforts through our weekly BioBulletin, which will be available to all years.
It consists of an article from a member of the committee, a weekly COVID update, a quiz, and a lot more. Helping to run BioMed has been challenging, but a lot of fun. I have developed a number of important skills including teamwork and time-management, as well as learning more about the subject that I have such a passion for and find so interesting.
Alex Whitwell (Year 13)
Setting up and running Architecture Society this year with Erik Watson has been a lot of fun. We’ve been able to explore a range of interesting topics, from Soviet architecture to neoclassicism in India, and it’s proved a valuable change from A-level pressure. As COVID restrictions came into place, we adapted to use Teams to broadcast our talks to different year groups, and this also gave members more flexibility in how to attend. It’s been a great experience running a society, and I hope everyone who came to our talks got as much out of it as we did.
Joe Williams and Marco Cheung (both Year 12)
The launch of Law Society has been a remarkable success with a number of Year 12 student presentations this term: from the more practical Due Process to legal- historical topics like the Japanese Constitution after the Second World War. The engagement of our attendees (some are even aspiring lawyers!) across Years 10 to 12 has been very promising, and we cannot wait to introduce more varied sessions in the future, including mock trials.
Attendee – Ben Fitzpatrick (Year 13)
‘I’ve really enjoyed Architecture Society throughout 2020, where, aside from insight into design specifics, styles and architects, we’ve heard about the very diverse social, cultural and political spectrum which architecture involves – through discussions about Britain’s colonial presence through neoclassicism, the Soviet Union’s rise and fall through the Stalinist style, and the UK’s troubled relationship with urban modernism (just to name a few). Architecture Society has proved invaluable in my journey through architecture so far, and I can’t wait for its second year in 2021.’
Attendee – Sasha Strigo (Year 12)
‘I particularly enjoyed the talk on the British Constitution and Judicial System. It taught me a lot about the processes of transforming public concerns into laws, and I could definitely use what I’ve learnt from these talks in future university interviews!’
Hussain Azami (Year 13) ECONOMICS SOCIETY
This year Economics Society has had to adapt to unprecedented circumstances, like many other societies throughout the College. We were no longer able to have speakers in-person at meetings, which had often attracted 70+ students weekly. We now had to shift everything online with all talks taking place on Zoom. One would expect that this would lead to a decrease in attendance. However, as the year progressed, we saw our weekly attendance increasing.
Moreover, we saw an increase in students from younger years. Where previously students from Years 7 to 9 weren’t able to make the in-person meetings, they now attended our virtual meetings. We saw the younger pupils engaging and asking questions that challenged our speakers’ viewpoints. All in all, while running Economics Society has been harder than previous years, it has brought about the opportunity for younger pupils to engage with the subject.
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