the data behind rennie .
The rennie intelligence team comprises our in-house demographer, senior economist, and market analysts. Together, they empower our developer clients, rennie advisors, institutional advisory clients, and the entire rennie team with comprehensive data and a trusted market perspective. With data as the backbone to our thoughtful real estate practice, we help our clients form and execute sound, well-considered plans to help them achieve their goals.
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CurrentasofJuly 3,2019.Alldata from theRealEstateBoardofGreaterVancouverandFraserValley.The informationsetoutherein (the“Information”) is intended for informationalpurposesonly.RAR&RMShasnotverified the informationanddoesnot represent,warrantorguarantee theaccuracy,correctnessandcompletenessof the information.RAR&RMSdoesnotassumeany responsibilityor liabilityofanykind inconnectionwith the informationand the recipient’s relianceupon the information.The recipientof the information should take stepsas the recipient may deem necessary to verify the information prior to placing any reliance upon the information. The information may change and any property described in the information may be withdrawn from the market at any time without notice or obligation to the recipient from RAR & RMS.
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