Hobson's Choice - Planning a Luxury Bathroom Guide 2025

When you collate your ideas and inspiration, Pinterest, ‘mood boards’ or ‘scrapbooks’ are handy for reference. Carefully organised, they can support

discussions later in the process. These are the sections we recommend you use to organise your thoughts; you can choose whatever you like.

Walls, bathroom furniture, countertops, wall panelling

Colours & Textures

Modern, (flat panel, geometric), or classic, (decorative, softer shapes)


FLOORING/WALLS Tiles, wood, paint

ROOM LAYOUT Freestanding bathtub, walk-in shower, wall-hung units, storage BRASSWARE Taps, shower head, mixer controls

LIGHTING Hidden, ceiling, automated, spotlights, natural HEATING Radiators, underfloor However, you explore the wealth of imagery, advice and styles available to consider, remember to enjoy it. Always remind yourself that it is your home and your bathroom, so make it perfect for you. Armed with all this knowledge and brimming with ideas, it is now time to venture out and experience some bathroom showrooms that meet your criteria.

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