King's Business - 1959-05

3. Promote Vacation Bible School as An All-Church Endeavor

“ Everybody’s helping in Vacation Bible School.” Yes, everyone can help in some way. This enables the workers to feel they are not alone in their service, rather that they are being backed by the entire church congregation. (1.) Cooperate with the pastor in arranging for a Vacation Bible School Dedication Service of all work­ ers on the Sunday evening before the school begins. As this is an important evangelistic opportunity in the life of the church, it should be given major emphasis and all those serving given special recognition. Enlist the prayer support of the entire church for the workers. (2.) Secure the aid of the women of the church in providing homemade cookies for the teachers’ coffee break and the children’s treats. (3.) Enlist the help of the Boy Scouts (or boys’ organization) in setting up tables and chairs and arranging rooms for the school. (4.) Ask the men of the church to help in the promotion of the Vacation Bible School Parade, an­ nouncing the school to the community on the Saturday before the opening day. (5.) Urge members of the congregation to assist by bringing their cars full of youngsters from the neighborhood. (6.) Appeal to the senior adults of the church to be special prayer warriors. Many dear “ saints” who cannot serve in any other way can share vitally in a prayer ministry which is so essential to the spiritual success of the school. (7.) Secure the aid of shut-ins in preparing hand­ work and visual-aid materials. This can be a tremen­ dous help to the teachers (and a blessing to the shut- ins as well). Everyone can pray and invite youngsters. Enthu­ siasm is contagious. Make the whole church VBS- conscious. 4. Be Thoughtful of the Workers “ Vacation Bible School is a happy experience.” And it will be as the program is planned with the workers as well as the children in mind. Endeavor to make their service an experience of joy and blessing. (1.) Make time for a “ coffee break” each morning. A few minutes away from the youngsters for a “ pepper-upper” is time well spent. The coffee break may be staggered to accomodate all workers. Some may be free during craft period as the craft staff takes over. Others may be excused a few at a time as the departmental schedule permits. (2.) Help the workers to realize that they do not need to cover everything in the VBS manual. Pub­ lishers plan an abundance of material so that users may be selective. If teachers remember that they are teaching youngsters, not lessons, they will not be frustrated in trying to use all the material everyday. The pupil and his individual needs must be kept Margaret Hart is former Christian Education Director of San Gabriel Union Church, San Gabriel, Calif. Miss Hart is new Dean of Women at BIOLA College. — Photos courtesy San Gabriel Union Church

Many parents hear the Gospel for the first time during closing exercises of the VBS program. Western theme appeals to all. uppermost in mind, along with this three-fold aim of Christian Education: >W in the pupil to Christ; build him up in Christ; send him forth for Christ. Youngsters learn more if less is presented in a thor­ ough manner than if much is presented in a hurried way. By not crowding the program, both teachers and pupils can find Bible School a happy experience. (3.) Arrange the Closing Program for the night before the school closes. This avoids the rush of the last day in preparation for the program along with the many other matters pertaining to the closing of school. If the program is held on a Thursday evening, Friday may be used for special decision services, the giving of final treats and awards, and the distribution of craft articles. 5. Show Appreciation of Workers “ It’s nice to be appreciated.” Although service is rendered as unto the Lord and for His glory, an expression of sincere gratitude is fitting and can be Christ-honoring. (1.) Plan an Appreciation Tea or Luncheon follow­ ing the school. This affords an excellent opportunity for fellowship among the workers as well as a chance for the Pastor and General Director to express appre­ ciation. Slides or movies taken of the school may be shown. Evaluation reports and suggestions for another year may be discussed and prepared for filing. (2.) Send a letter of appreciation to each worker, giving God the praise while expressing gratitude for service rendered in His name. (Confidential evaluation sheets from departmental superintendents on the abilities and service of each teacher and helper can be a valuable source of infor­ mation in planning personnel for another year and a help to the Sunday School Superintendent in adding new workers to his staff.) The above tips, of course, need to be adapted to the specific need^ of the individual church, hut the basic ideas can facilitate a happy working relationship with the Vacation Bible School Staff. Then next year when workers are contacted, they will say:

“ I was hoping you would ask me.” “ W hy sure, you can count on me.” “ Yes, I’d love to help.” “ Vacation Bible School is fun!”



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