King's Business - 1959-05

The Bible has the answer; you just didn’t know where to find it. It is a thrilling experience to say to an in­ quirer, “God has an answer to your problem.” Then find further joy in turning quickly to a verse in which the answer is clearly stated. Get a Bible with clear readable type. It is far more effective. It helps the inquirer to read and understand what he reads. Yes, it is important that he read it. It is much more mean­ ingful to him. He gets the message not merely listening to your reading. God speaks to him directly from His Word. It is helpful to substitute the inquirer’s name for a pronoun that occurs in a Bible verse. Of course, the message is personal to him. It is to everyone who reads it. Substituting his own name will add a new and specific meaning. Don’t use too many verses. As few as possible to accomplish your pur­ pose is a good rule to use. Use a verse thoroughly. Give its complete mean­ ing. One verse may be all that is necessary. These ten verses are con­ sidered the most useful and effective. John 1:12 I John 5:12 Rev. 3:20 Romans 10:9 John 6:37 Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 John 3:16 Romans 5:8 Eph. 2:8-9

Bible? Do you know, let’s say, at least twenty-five verses so that you can find them quickly in a counselling situa­ tion? A young man who was counsel­ ling remembered just the verse he wanted to use, but he wasn’t sure’ where to find it. He leafed hurriedly through several chapters but still didn’t locate it. He quoted the verse as he remembered it, but he quoted it incorrectly. It wasn’t effective. It gives confidence to the one being counseled if the verse is found quickly. If you can make a good selection of several verses that might apply, it will add to your effectiveness. You are expect­ ed to be a skillful counselor. Your skill will be demonstrated by the use of the Bible, your chief tool. The Bible says much more about man’s need of redemption and salva­ tion than most people know. It has something to say about every phase of the problem and the remedy. The Holy Spirit directs a dedicated, well prepared counselor in using the Word most efficiently. The Holy Spirit will lead in presenting the Truth in a way that will bring definite and satisfac­ tory results n— in this have absolute confidence. Have you had seemingly unanswer­ able problems presented by an in­ quirer? They are not unanswerable.

" P e s id o tta i

B y B en jam in W e iss

W h a t is the most im ­ portant skill or knowledge nec­ essary to be an e f f e c t i v e soul winner? It is the a b i l i t y to use G o d ’ s Wo r d . How mu c h do you know about the B i b l e ? Do you have just a

general k n ow l e d g e ? You need a comprehensive understanding of the entire Book. You also ne ed some specific knowledge on how it teaches a person to be saved. Using the Bible is much more effective than using good arguments. Your arguments are your own opinions. The Bible tells what God says about sin and salva­ tion. It is important to have a good testimony and be informed about the Christian life, but that is not enough. It is your business to tell others how to be saved. That information is found specifically in the Bible. Are you skillful in the use of the


Mr. Fixit is a kindly repair man who delights in telling Bible stories to the n e igh b o rh ood ch ildren . Illustrations from his picture book flow with life and vivid color on the screen. Twenty Old Testament stories. Rental $6.




Uncle Bob, through the use o f easily grasped demonstrations in science and nature, impresses young minds with God’s power and wisdom in creation and His mercy and care for each indi­ vidual. Rental $6. rjs

SEND FOR FREE COLOR CATALOGS Please send me information and name of nearest distributor of MOODY films and filmstrips.


Twenty well-loved Bible stories in full color 35mm filmstrips especially designed for use with children. Each filmstrip $5, recorded narration on 10 inch 331/3 RPM records (two stories on each side) $4.

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