King's Business - 1959-05

B OO K E NDS (A Review of Current Publications) LIVING IN TWO WORLDS — HOW A CHRIS­ TIAN DOES IT! by Mary Alice Tenney. 118 pages; cloth; Light and Lire Press, Winona Lake, Ind.; $2.00. The author has been for many years a student of the life of the Wesleys and the Methodist revival. She is head of the English department at Greenville College. In this volume she draws. on her research largely and brings the reader face to face with the basic challenge of Christianity. FLING WIDE THE GATES! THE LIFE STORY OF DON BRANDEIS as told to Byron McKissack. 105 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York; $2.95. This is the thrilling story of a Jewish boy who lost his faith in God, became a criminal, and was finally led to a saving faith in Christ while in Florida's State Prison. He went on to become an evangelist in the Southern Baptist Convention. YOUR BAPTISM IS IMPORTANT by Stanley Edwin Anderson. 200 pages; cloth; Northern Book Store, Chicago; $2.00. The author is a graduate of Northern Baptist Theological Semi­ nary in Chicago. The book is a summary of the chief factors in the Baptist doctrine of baptism, with special emphasis on the influence and im­ portance of it in the life of the believer. PREACHING TO MEET MEN'S NEEDS by Charles N. Pickell. 82 pages; cloth; Exposition Press, New York; $3.00. Addressed to the clergy and beamed at keeping the preacher engaged primarily in the preaching of the main themes of redemption according to the pattern of the Book of the Acts, this volume contains some stimulating material. STORIES OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS by Ernest K. Emurian. 139 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Boston; $2.00. This is the fourth book on hymn and religious song backgrounds. The author is a Methodist minister who has made a special study of the subject and is a member of The American Guild of Organists. Eleven titles are considered. A PARENT'S GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S READING by Nancy Larrick. XIV, 258 pages; paper; Pocket Books, Inc., New York; 35c, cloth ed.: $2.95. "I can always tell when a child has been read to at home," said one teacher. The aver­ age parent is willing to read, but what is the best reading program? This book brings into focus the whole problem for children under thirteen. The author was formerly president of the International Reading Association. Illustra­ tions and lists will be found interesting and helpful. BASIC BELIEFS; AN INTRODUCTORY GUIDE TO CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY by D o n a l d E. Demaray. 140 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. A sort of first book in Christian doctrine written from a rich education­ al heritage but simple in statement and essen­ tially biblical. There is an Arminian bias. The author is Associate Professor of Religion at Seattle Pacific College. AMAZING GRACE! by Donald E. Demaray. 110 pages; cloth; Light and Life Press, Winona Lake. Ind.; $2.00. John Newton, the subject of this brief biography, was one of the most amaz­ ing trophies of grace in our modern times. A slave trader, Newton lived violently and was violently converted. His work for the Lord in the Evangelical movement was significant on the personal level and his book, Cardiphonia, has recently been reprinted. IS ROMANISM IN THE BIBLE? or, ONE HUN­ DRED QUESTIONS WHICH ROMAN CATHOLICS CANNOT ANSWER by S. L. Testa. 24 pages; paper; Scripture Truth Society, 5166 Ruthelen St., Los Angeles 62, Calif.; 30c. These questions were originolly circulated among the Roman priests of Italy with a reward for each question onswered from the Bible in the affirmative. The book will be of interest to both Protestants and Catholics. LINE TREE by Lenore DePree. 208 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rap­ ids; $2.50. Novel of a small-town Tennessee girl who found her environment too small for her spirit. A northern college was the scene of her finding herself with the help of o good boy friend. The author is a graduate of Wheaton College and the wife of o missionary. PEOPLE OF JESUS' TIME by Beulah G. Squires. 60 pages; paper; Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati; 85c. Seven playlets for reading or production in the church or young people's groups. All ore from the life of Jesus. THE BIG LADDER by A. B. Wix, Jr. 266 pages; cloth; Vantage Press, New York; $3.75. Story of a young pastor who came to an old church in Freemont. His father carried a hoary tradition in the ministry and much was expected of the son. Troubles developed, of course, and gossip arose. The going was hard, but so has it works out to reward the faithful labors, however.

i EDITOR'S NOTE: Books recommended [ these columns are on sale at the BIOLA 5 >Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los < ) Angeles; 121 West Wilson, Glendale. Mail j ! order service available.

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