King's Business - 1959-05

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Al ’55 and Virginia (Selegean ’53) Miller, Belgian Congo, Africa: “We have been assisting at the International Sun­ day School. Since Brussels is the home of a number of United States embassy and military personnel and quite a few busi­ ness men representing United States pri­ vate industry, this Sunday School is de­ signed to present and teach Christ to these English speaking children, young people, and adults. The attendance is approxim­ ately 60 each week.” Lois McKinney ’53 is under appointment to Portugal by the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society of Wheaton, Illi­ nois. At the present time she is employed by Scripture Press as a Christian Educa­ tion consultant and has participated in Sunday School Institutes and programs for training Sunday School teachers. Robert ’48 and Doris (Parker ’48), Allen, Nigeria, West Africa: “We have been thinking of establishing an elementary school here, but permission is a hard thing to obtain. These have been months of test­ ing and trial and many times we have wondered if we really were on the right track. After two months word came that the committee for this province had ap­ proved and had sent the papers to the Central Educational Committee for Ni­ geria. Be in prayer that they will accept them. Next year Nigeria will receive her independence. If we can establish the school this year it will be just another foothold for the Lord in a land that is fast turning Moslem and going in the way of the False Prophet.” do you know. . . ^ ahnnt Q h I i TirArno V

A Penny a Day \ (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) \ W ill give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For inform ation write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. Founded in Î929 ¡430 East 141st Street - New York 54, N.Y. < I John Binns, Pres. James E. Bennett, Treas.} Rev. John Ernest Brown, Field Rep.

By INEZ McGAHEY Eleanor Kingman ’49, Honolulu, Ha­ waii: “We have been bolding 14 Bible classes weekly, reaching well over 50 teen­ agers. Their enthusiasm and faithful at­ tendance through the year has been most gratifying. Many have covered the whole Bible and are now studying doctrinal truths and various books of the Bible. We see a marked growth in the spiritual life of our young people.” Larry ’58 and Margaret (Boyd ’57) All- mon, Los Angeles, California: “We are doing deputation work in the Pacific Northwest, speaking in many churches in Washington and Oregon. W e shall be leaving for Africa on July 4, and shall be working with the radio station, Voice of Tangier.” Herbert ’27 and Doris Cassel, Guate­ mala, Central America: “W e have been helping with youth societies and youth conventions. W e rejoiced to see come to pass the first National Youth Convention, with around 500 young people attending day sessions and over 1,000 persons present for the night rallies. Also, we had our first Bible Memory Association youth and children’s camp at Lake Amatitlan. Many failed to appear due to the quakes, but approximately 50 ventured forth and we had a blessed week. One Indian boy re­ cited almost perfectly the 150 verses of the contest at breakfast one morning.”


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that the average 2-year-old knows only about 300 words but that the average 3-year-old has increased that number to 900 words? . . . that although outward indications of their learning may be few, educational authorities believe these two years do more to shape a child’s personality than the equivalent time spent in college? This folder will give you new insight into the physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics of Nursery children . . . how you can implant in their impressionable young minds an initial awareness of God and His love . . . how to lay Scriptural foundations for right attitudes toward God’s house, God’s book, and God’s Son. You’ll be amazed at the wonderfully clever teaching ideas that will help you keep your pint-sized pupils always interested—always learning, and make teaching of pre-schoolers in Sunday School a valuable investment for eternity. Send for this FREE 8-page folder now.

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8-page folder " Nursery children .

their characteristics and how to understand them.1

Here Is why more and more sch o o ls each year use Scripture P re ss A ll-B ible Graded Sunday Sch o o l L e sso n s. They're . . . 1. all - bible — not ju st selected Scripture portions, but the en­ tire W ord. 2. g r a d e d DEPARTM ENTALLY— Bible portions adapted to in­ terests and understanding of pupils as they grow. Educa­ tionally as well as Scrlpturally sound. 3 . c o r r e l a t e d — to tie all parts of a lesson to one central lesson truth. 4. timely — freshly edited each quarter to meet each pupil’s needs with Scripture to live by. 5. p r o v e d —by Bible believing teachers in over 70 denom i­ nations on all 6 continents. 6. a d a p t a b l e — to any size school, for every age-level. 7. c o m p l e t e —everything to aid in teaching, to stim ulate Bible learning.

Wheaton, III. Scripture Press 1825 College Avenue Please send me: O Folder described above (Nursery) □ Sample Sunday School Lessons for depts



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